Monday, November 9, 2015


Baked apple crisp

Oh my gosh people......I am so sorry that I haven't written in a week. I have been so focused on getting all these Advent presents bought, wrapped and shipped out for this week, that there are days when I scarcely have time to change my clothes. Ewwwww  gross. This morning I got up and made a different kind of priorities list. Remember back a few weeks ago when I got four huge bags of apples for free. I did up two right away. I made pies, apple sauce and sliced apples for the freezer . The other two bags of McIntosh I left for later. Well, since returning from Cobden,  I baked up three apple crisps which we ate right away. Last night I noticed that I have lost most of the apples that were left . I managed to bake up another apple crumble, and put enough sliced apple in the freezer for baking later. Usually I peel and slice 4 large apples for a crisp, but these apples are so tiny and damaged, that one pan takes about 12-14  of these smaller apples by the time I cut away the bad parts. I feel really badly about all these apples going into the compost bin, but I did manage to save some of them. I just did not have time to process them all. I love getting free apples, but they arrive in the Fall when I am busy trying to get other things accomplished. 

Other things on my priority list today included cleaning out the cat litter bin. We use the clumping litter which makes daily cleaning up very easy; but every once in a while, you have to dump everything out and fill up with fresh litter. So that is done. 

I picked off the rest of the chicken meat from the thighs that I cooked yesterday. I used some of it last night to make a chicken stir fry over rice noodles. The rest of it is in the freezer to make a chicken pot pie sometime this week. And the bones have been simmering in the crock pot to make a chicken soup for this week's lunches. 

I had to wash a load of towels this morning. I also had a couple of laundry baskets of clothes that needed  folding. I still have some items that need to be done, but I may carry them over to tomorrow morning when I will have more energy. I haven't vacuumed in a week, which you can't ignore when you have both a cat and a dog. I have six very large butternut squash that I have to prepare for a Special Meal the last Sunday in November for our street people who come to St. Andrew's Church. I will cook and mash them for the freezer, so that they will only need to be reheated in the crock pot later. I also put writing a blog post on my list of priorities. 

Last Sunday, I went to Belleville with a friend for a day of shopping. I processed all the photos that I had taken in Cobden so that they could be put into a photo album. I also found a few more items for the kids' Advent calendars. I can report that I have 144 little presents wrapped and ready to pack for shipping. Here are examples of two that are going to University students. . I have to put those 24 little presents into that photo box that I picked up at Michael's. I buy a few when they go on sale  "5 for $10". When Christmas is done, they have a box to keep things in. After a little creative packing, everything fits. 

For my oldest granddaughter. Her stuff fit much more easily. 
The things I pack for the youngest children will not fit inside a shoe box. Their gifts tend to be bigger and bulkier, so they will go into bags for delivering. Also, the "stockings" that I send to my kids, their spouses and my parents must also fit inside these boxes for mailing.  

On the weekend, a group of us went over to Amherst Island for our annual Christmas Craft day and potluck supper. It is always so much fun and we accomplished a lot. We made several different types of crafts for the Christmas Craft and Bake sale which will take place this coming weekend on the Island. I will show some examples next time. Have a great evening. 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Susan: don't beat yourself up for the "wasted" apples... they'll turn into compost which will help you grow your garden. You didn't pay for them so you're not wasting money and oh boy, have you been busy! I don't have such excuse when I let my garden vegetables languish on my countertop, ha!

    144 presents! I showed your post to my daughter who was floored. I think that, secretly, she wished you were HER grandma, lol. What a good idea to use nice storage boxes to hold the presents to the adults, it's like the packaging is a present in itself! I have set aside 6 bubble mailing envelopes that I will be reusing to mail my son's CDs to my family in France (they all live in different locations). The post office won't be happy to see me come since nowadays they have to fill out all the information online by hand for customs so that'll take a while. I don't know why the post office won't let us pre-fill those online in advance...

    I'm glad that in the middle of that mad dash you had time to spend time with friends doing some shopping and crafting (and eating!). What fun!

    How is your husband doing these days, by the way? Does he help you at all with the Advent calendars? Does he enjoy Christmas shopping? I told Greg he was banned from shopping at Target (his favorite shop at Christmas time) because he never remembers to use our Target REDcard (which gives us an automatic 5% off at the register) and on top of that they just changed it to a CHIP+PIN card and he will never remember the code anyway. So I'm guessing I'm not getting any (crappy gifts from the end of the aisle displays where all desperate men pick their wives' gifts on 12/24!) errr, I meant to say lovely and thoughtful Christmas gifts this year :)
