Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Monarda or Bee Balm. I used to have Crimson Bee Balm, but over the years it slowly died out and in its place grew this mauve flower. It's pretty, but I would love to replace it again with the bright red blooms that attract hummingbirds.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The birthday party

Black-eyed Susans (Rudbeckia) I personally prefer the name brown-eyed Susans. They surely look like brown centres to me. Daisies are my favourite kind of flower.

Friday, July 25, 2014

One of my day lilies in the foreground with purple liatris (Gay Feather) in the background.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

I want to show you a planter from my pond in the back yard. These are two lovely shades of pink petunias that I planted LAST YEAR. That's right! I never got around to putting any flowers in  these planters this spring; but as it turns out, I didn't have to. These lovelies self-seeded and have done very well for themselves in spite of the lack of attention from yours truly. If only all my planters would do this, I'd be ecstatic. Would save me a bundle. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

My clematis does very well in this spot of the garden. It gets sunshine all morning and into the afternoon, and because it like its roots shaded, it does well at the base of my "snowball hydrangea".  If you are looking closely at the photo, yes my fence needs painting desperately, yes those are small LED Christmas lights still up (I never take them down), and why yes, that is a rather tall weed growing next to the clematis (about 4 ft. tall actually). Just keeping it real folks.

Monday, July 21, 2014

I believe these are called Shirley poppies. I didn't plant them. They just appeared one year and self seed every year and everywhere, including my driveway. If all the weeds in my driveway looked like these, I wouldn't mind so much. They are very short-lived, but are very pretty with large full (peony-like) pinky mauve blooms.