Monday, November 13, 2017

Daybook: Monday, Nov. 13/17

Outside my is gray and cold looking. It was actually snowing earlier, but none of it stuck on the ground.

I am thinking.....of all I need to accomplish this week. On Saturday, as I was in a rush to get out the door for the day, I realized that the furnace had stopped and that the house was getting colder. It turns out there was water in my cellar. I won't go into the gory details right now (that is for another post), but my temporary solution worked and I do now have heat. BUT, this week I need to wet vacuum up the rest of the water off the floor and see about fixing or replacing my eaves trough (gutter) in the back of the house. That, and work at trying to get prepared for Christmas.

I am thankful for.....friends and family.

From the kitchen.....I have a large pot of homemade beef and vegetable soup simmering on the stove.

I am wearing.....a purple and white polka dotted  top with denims and mostly gray Canadian themed socks.

I am creating..... another mini album (it just needs the covers made and the binding done) and more Christmas cards. My goal for this week is 25 or 30 handmade cards.

I am going.....nowhere today. I was in the hardware store earlier this morning to pick up an order.  I also worked outside a bit taking some items into the shed for winter storage. I hunted down my wet/dry shop vac to vacuum up the basement floor, only to discover that mine is missing some key components (like the hose), and I have no idea where they have gone. I will ask my son if I can borrow his. I also unearthed the missing pieces of the eaves trough and downspout that came down as a result of ice. I will have to buy more eaves trough hangers.

I am hoping.....that I will be able to put up the eaves trough on my own because the professionals are now booking into next year. It seems they are swamped.

I am hearing.....occasional traffic outside, still more blasting going on, and the furnace coming on (thankfully)

Around the house.....there is so much housework that needs doing, but it will have to wait, as I need to complete my cards and Advent calendars and stocking stuffers that need to be delivered by months end.

One of my favourite a working furnace. Funny how these things gain more value and prominence when you no longer have them.

A few plans for the rest of the week.....have already been spelled out. I have no appointments or places that I need to be. I would like very much to attend the Christmas bazaar on Amherst Island this Saturday.

Here's the picture I am sharing.....

That's right. My Dad and "Dee" are taking me and one of my sisters-in-law on a Caribbean Cruise mid January. Am I spoiled, or what?


  1. Glad to hear you have your furnace working again, Susan. Sounds like you have been busy. I hope you will be able to get all your cards made and hopefully your son can help you with putting up those eaves trough pieces. And how lovely to be going on a Caribbean cruise in January! You will have to take lots of pictures to share with us!

  2. Oh my yes. I have been busy. While others have been hanging Christmas lights, I have been hanging eaves trough. Ha! Yes my furnace is working, but only because I am pumping water out with the submersible pump every day, so it doesn't build up again. Hopefully, I will be able to clean out the cellar and bring in the service people to have a look and see why I have this problem.
