Friday, September 5, 2014

Take advantage of Ontario produce now

Five pounds of carrots, five pounds of onions, or ten pounds of potatoes for $1.88 at Food Basics.

In the next few weeks, the prices may even come down lower and the bags may even get larger. Usually I pick up 25 lb. bags of each, but this was a nice size to do up fairly quickly for the freezer. I didn't dice up all the onions I got in the 5 lb bag, as I do love to cook with fresh onions; but, for during the colder winter months when there are a lot of soups, stews, stir-frys, and casseroles, it is wonderful to have these veggies all prepped and ready to go. Plus you know you have paid the lowest price for them. I also picked up the 10 lbs of potatoes. Unfortunately, I don't have a root cellar so it is difficult to keep many potatoes at a time. FYI, mashed potatoes freeze extremely well and I have prepared containers of these in the past. 

After cleaning, peeling, and cutting up the veggies, it was time to make some more doggie biscuits. Our boxer ran out yesterday, and he sulks when we don't give him any. These should last him 3 weeks or more. Today is really hot and humid out and I really didn't feel like warming up the kitchen, but I got these done this morning. Finally, I went out to check on my garden again. I see little green beans forming on my plants. Hooray! My carrot greens are getting a little taller, but I am not so sure I will get any of a decent size before the frost comes. I pulled out one of my cucumber plants and my zucchini plant and threw them into the compost. I brought in more tomatoes. 
I have frozen one bag of cherry tomatoes because we haven't been able to keep up. I like to throw them into soups and pasta dishes. So far, the larger tomatoes are still being eaten fresh in sandwiches. Yesterday afternoon I was able to get the back yard cut again, except for an area under the maple and my neighbour's side yard adjoining our property. I cut her side yard, and another neighbour mows the other side, so only the very back needs to be done. She gets one of her grown children to come every so often to do that for her.  Anyways I ran out of gas, literally and figuratively; so I came in and showered and had a long nap. Hopefully, I will be able to finish it up before the rain moves in this afternoon. Maybe the rains will cut the heat and humidity. Have a wonderful weekend! 

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