Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Grocery Delivery

This may be one of my greatest  highlights from the quarantine in recent days. I received my first grocery delivery in over 3 weeks. I still have food in my freezer and pantry, but I thought I should register with the free delivery service offered by our township. I wasn't sure how long I would have to wait for the delivery once I submitted my order, and since it is being offered as a free service, I imagine there are a lot of people who are taking advantage of it. I was very pleasantly surprised. I registered yesterday, gave my list over the phone this morning, and received my groceries by early afternoon.
 I am limited to 20 items a week. I know that most stores are still limiting number of items each household can buy, and I know that some items are still scarce. I asked for 3 dozen eggs and got them, 2 pounds of butter, the largest tub of plain yoghurt (no substitutions), fresh chicken and 4 litres of whole milk. Where my description was vague, I was more likely to get what I was looking for. I got a whole chicken, but if I had asked for drumsticks or thighs or boneless, skinless chicken breasts, I may not have received any chicken. Because I asked for 4 litres of whole milk, I got nothing......not 2 litres, not 2%, nothing. So I am learning this system. I received non salted Gay Lee butter which I will pay $6 a pound for,  This is not what I would have bought, BUT I was lucky enough to get some of what I needed.
This order of produce was great. I explained I was on a special diet that my doctor had put me on and so I presented a list of veggies I could have, and then said I would appreciate these either fresh or frozen. It didn't matter. It was just whatever was available. And so I received 3 fresh zucchini, mushrooms, a head of cauliflower, green beans and broccoli. I got a large bag of frozen blueberries (I had asked for the largest bag they could find) and Brussels sprouts. I am so grateful that they will honour a request for special diet items. The frozen produce went straight into the freezer, but some of the fresh produce will be cut up and put in the freezer later this afternoon.

I have cut up a rack of ribs for dinner. I have them in the crock pot right now with a keto BBQ sauce that I made using ingredients I had in my pantry. (apple cider vinegar, sugar-free ketchup I ordered from Amazon, garlic powder, smoked paprika, onion powder and stevia) I did not have cumin, (I forgot I had used the last of it when I made up my taco seasoning) so I added some ground cayenne pepper, chili powder and a dash of Braggs coconut amino acids. It tastes pretty darn good.

Yesterday I made a batch of yoghurt, a loaf of keto bread, and a big pot of beef vegetable soup in the morning. In the afternoon, I worked on another page assembly for a mini scrapbook. My sister heard from her surgeon and the surgery will happen a week from tomorrow. Yesterday and most of today has been cloudy and rainy, but right now the sun is desperately trying to come out again. I may spend some time out on my back deck and listen to the birds this afternoon. Spring is really on its way.
Glory of the snow???
Last Fall, just before the snow arrived, I bought a few packages of spring bulbs. I have one tiny garden under my front window which is still covered in snow. With the bulbs that were left over, I stuck them here and there, wherever there was a patch of dirt.  I found these small plants at the side of the house where I remember planting some small corms. I thought at first they were crocuses, but today they have buds that look like these may be Glory of the Snow. I hope so. They will look very pretty here and will spread very quickly in coming years. My first garden flowers!!!


  1. Yay for free delivery of groceries! That was quickly delivered, too! I'm sorry you didn't receive the milk, but, it looks like you got most of the other items you wanted. Hopefully, you'll be able to order and get milk, next week. Such a blessing to have the option of getting groceries delivered!

    Sounds like you've been quite busy in the kitchen, prepping things for the freezer and cooking. Well done!

    Looks like you'll soon have a garden full of flowers! Glory of the snow is a very pretty flower and you'll soon have a carpet of blue, in that area!

    Sending good wishes to your sister on her upcoming surgery. Hope all goes well.

  2. Elliot Lake is a retirement town. If COVID got a foothold here it would rip through this town. When we were first asked to stay home, I wasn't too worried about the grocery situation. I guess I knew the councillors would come up with a plan...and they did. The shoppers and deliverers are city employees, so they are given "duties as assigned". I feel very lucky to have this service.

    I remember buying these bulbs and getting them in the ground very late in the season, wherever I could manage to bury them. I don't even remember which bulbs I bought, so this will be such a delight as they start coming through the dirt and I can see what I have.

  3. Free delivery is fantastic. I guess learning the system is part of it. Have a great time cooking!

  4. Mmmm-mmm. Those ribs just fell apart. I will use slightly less vinegar I think next time, and add a tiny drop more stevia. But this was a nice tangy sauce. I will use this recipe again.

  5. Your ribs sound delicious!! I am glad you had a good experience with the grocery delivery. I use the Walmart grocery pickup option to get my groceries and had used it mostly for the past year or more due to other health issues and it can sometimes be hit or miss.

  6. By watching the virtual township meeting on TV (only two councillors and two guests were spaced around the room), I learned that only 300 residents are using the service at this time. A lot of seniors must be stubbornly going in to get their own groceries. That is concerning. OR, they have relatives going in for them. Yes, I am very grateful for the free delivery.
