Saturday, April 11, 2020

Sunny Saturday

I had a look around my storage spaces yesterday but could not find anything that I could use for Easter decorations. I thought of perhaps turning a Christmas door wreath into a Springtime one, but I did not bring any artificial flowers or greenery with me and my Christmas decor is packed in bins under the stairs. I have paper however, so I decided to get the most out of my supplies I would simply make a greeting to put up in my window. It isn't for me that I wanted to do this anyway. It is for the kids and their parents who walk past my window.
I printed out letters 5 inches tall and taped them to the glass above a line of grass with 6 Easter eggs. You may be able to see from the reflection of the street that most of our snow is gone. I still have some snow in my front yard. There it is just under my tomato cage Xmas tree that is still standing. I can almost remove it any day now. The cage and rope light is still frozen in the ground.

Today I was able to get inside my garden shed, so I went inside to refresh my memory about what I brought with me in the move, and at the same time dragged out the very few outdoor planters that I brought with me. I was pleased to see that I brought my large garden tools, so I should be able to dig up the ground to make some garden beds when it is time. I tried to go on-line to order vegetable and flower seeds, but apparently everyone else has had the same idea. Most on-line stores have sold out already. Ooops! I guess I should have done it sooner. I am hoping my sister will be able to share what she has with me this year. I'm not too worried. Thank goodness I planted a bunch of different Spring bulbs in the Fall.

In a couple of hours from now I will call together the Trivia Club contestants for a rousing game of Trivia. It should be a fun time.  My Dad and "Dee" have not seen my son in Vancouver for a while, so it will be a chance to visit. Have a wonderful Easter weekend everyone.


  1. Oh, I do like your newly made Easter decorations! I do see that most of the snow is gone, but, you still have some in your front yard.

    Too bad all the seeds have sold out, but, hopefully, your sister will be able to share.

    Hope you have a wonderful Trivia game this evening. :)

  2. It was a fun game. The Pink team (my son's family in Vancouver) won this round by only one point, and were quickly asked who had invited THEM. Ha. The questions were from every field, but had a theme of Easter.

    Thank you for commenting on my decorations. *laugh* I'm glad I made something for the window. One of the neighbours up the street has a well appointed Easter tree. There must be at least forty plastic eggs hanging from the branches. Very pretty, and just in time for the Easter bunny who headed a line of decorated vehicles in a drive-by yesterday afternoon. I don't know what service group did this, but apparently they drove down every residential street in town.
