Thursday, April 2, 2020

Yesterday's News, Today.

I didn't post last night. I felt very tired and went to bed shortly after 9 PM. I also slept in this morning, so I guess I was indeed tired. My weekly Standard was waiting for me outside the front door. The headline read "Civic Centre is Gone". This building has seen a lot of transformations over the past 60 years. It started in the late 50s as a hotel, served as City Hall, became a church, and in recent years was the main cultural centre for the town. Last winter, because of the tremendous amount of snow, the roof collapsed the day before a full-house was expected for a live theatre production. It could have been a major disaster. The crumbled building stood vacant for most of the year while the city held discussions about its future. I still don't know what the plans are for our future cultural centre, but the building has now been completely razed.

I missed my teleconference call this morning. I knew my sister was not going to be on because of a doctor's appointment at the hospital, so I guess I just naturally assumed that the call would wait for my sister's results. I did not hear any alerts from either my phone or my computer, so I just carried on with my morning. So I missed the call with my SIL and "Dee". My morning involved being on my computer reading blogs and emails, so I don't understand how I missed my notifications.

Yesterday, I

  • sorted out the mess on my dining table
  • cleaned and sorted through my Crafts room
  • bought in most of my outdoor Christmas lights and garland and put away finally
  • made a couple of cards and wrote out more notes of encouragement
  • telephoned a dear friend
  • played Battleship against my 8 year old grandson. He won!
I have been challenged again to a rousing game on-line, so I will make my departure to 
wreak vengeance on my opponent. Ta-ta for now. 


  1. I'm sorry you missed the conference call. Hope your sister's results are good. Sounds like you had a very productive day, yesterday. Have fun battling with your grandson! Good luck! :D

  2. I'm afraid I'm not much of a challenge for him, since he has been winning every game. We took a break over the weekend. The Trivia night was a success and everyone seemed to enjoy it. They want to continue next weekend.
