Saturday, April 18, 2020

Sunny Saturday, Again.

Where does the time go? I stay inside every day, so you'd think I could get lots of cleaning or crafting done; but, I am hard pressed to list any such accomplishments. I did work on constructing mini scrapbooks, until I ran out of scor tape. I've since ordered and received some from Amazon. I have written out a couple of notecards that were previously made, and mailed them out. I load and unload the dishwasher, vacuum, water my plants, and do laundry once a week. I guess I am spending more time in the kitchen preparing food because I still remain on keto, but I think the bulk of my time is still on-line. I have spent some worrisome moments this past week concerning family members. That kind of worry seems to drain my energy and I have been napping more.

I requested another order for groceries and they arrived yesterday.
 When I requested whole milk last week, I didn't receive any milk. I borrowed a litre from my sister's house to get me through last week. So this week, I asked for whole milk but added that if it was unavailable, I would take ANY milk. I also asked for 3 cans of evaporated milk for my stock pile. I also asked for plain yoghurt, but it is "stirred" fat-free and don't know if it will work as a starter.
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For veggies, I requested frozen spinach, green beans and 3 bags of cauliflower (riced, whole florets, or mixed. I didn't matter) There were no green beans and the worker missed the cauliflower altogether. Thank goodness I keep a small supply of veggies available in the freezer. I still have 2 cabbage, 2 small zucchini, some red onion and a small tray of fresh mushrooms. In the freezer I have frozen sweet pepper strips, sliced celery, broccoli florets, Brussels sprouts, and 1 bag of oriental veggies still left. I asked for a family sized tray of ground beef to add more variety to my meat supply. I ordered a bag of apples and navel oranges for my sister. It is not a perfect system, but I am so appreciative for this service. I am still learning the ropes and as long as I use it for augmenting my pantry, it works well.

We had intermittent snow showers this past week, along with colder and windier days. The snow is still disappearing, but it was too cold or windy to sit outdoors on my deck with a cup of tea.  I had my sister's dog, Rocky, here with me on Wednesday and it is nice to have a pet for a companion. Not that I am looking for one in the near future, but it is nice during this isolation period to have that kind of company. I have prepared my 25 questions for tonight's Trivia, as the number of people who want to play has grown. I may have reached that point where I may have to run the game twice. I don't mind that. As long as I find the questions to ask, it doesn't matter how many times I ask them. It is a way for family to visit virtually and have some fun. Have a great weekend everyone and I will try to come back here on Monday.


  1. It sounds to me like you have been quite productive and getting the necessary housework (vacuuming, laundry, etc.) done. I think that is all we can ask of ourselves at this time (at least, that is what I am telling myself!). Spending more time online or on the phone with family has to take precedence over cleaning! I hope your family members are doing well and I love the fact that the family quiz is so successful!

    I'm glad you were able to get milk delivered, this time, even if some of the other items didn't! I'm also very glad that you have some back up groceries on hand and hope they will carry you through until the next delivery. I think, as long as the yogurt has active cultures, it should work as a starter. Good luck with that!

    Have a lovely weekend, Susan, and be safe.

  2. Yes, I am managing the bare essentials but it would be nice to get other things accomplished. You seems to have a very purposeful life right now in this isolation and getting some unfinished projects done. Hopefully, once things come down a bit here, I will find that motivation to accomplish some things. Lord knows, I have the time.

    Trivia night is growing. My eldest grand daughter on Vancouver Island joined us last night, as well as my niece and her husband in Ottawa. The questions were based on the theme of Canada.....some history, music, geographical landmarks, etc. Afterwards, we stay on a while to visit, and slowly people drop out to get on with their evenings.

  3. I love that your Trivia night keeps growing! Something unique and a great way to stay in touch with others!!
