Thursday, July 9, 2020

A Small Flower Bed

I went out in the heat Monday afternoon to dig up a small patch of front lawn, like I was possessed. I dug up pieces of sod and took them back in the wheel barrow to the side yard. The sweat was rolling down my face but I was suddenly determined to do this. When I finally went back inside, I noticed I'd missed a call from Donna. I am guessing I knew my dad was gone and wasn't ready to hear it yet. I should have been there for "Dee"; but as it turned out, she had a friend come over to be with her. I think that was meant to be. Later that evening, her brother and SIL arrived from the Sault and stayed with her for three days.

Tuesday it was still darn hot, but I spent even more time outdoors screening all the topsoil from this small patch. There weren't all the roots to contend with, but oh my goodness....what a lot of rock. I removed about 8 inches of the top layer before laying down the black plastic, flattened cardboard and newspapers. Before I stopped for the day, I back filled the screened topsoil into the bed. Yesterday, I made up five wheel barrow loads of triple mix to lay down and I transplanted some tall marigolds that I have successfully grown from seed. So I should have some flowers blooming this summer. It will also be available to transplant some perennials I hope to receive from my sister and "Dee".

The last two nights the family has been spending the early evenings together in "Dee's" back yard, socially distanced in a large circle and reminiscing about all the wonderful times we've had. Today at noon, "Dee's" bother and SIL had to leave. I loaned my copy of my Dad's autobiography to the SIL to read this summer until I see her next. I am finished my garden and I am not going outside. I am feeling tired and physically drained. I think all of us will probably try to nap. "Dee" is very teary today but it makes perfect sense to me. She needs a good cry.

Yesterday was a full day of deliveries. I received a grocery order and three separate deliveries from Amazon. I'm not expecting anything for a while now, so it may be a good time to catch some zzz's.

You can't see them, but there are marigolds planted at the back of the bed against the deck skirting. The rock at the end of the blocks, is ONE of the rocks I removed from the topsoil. Most of them were much smaller though. I will keep this one as a focal point in one of the flower beds.  My future plan is to extend this flower bed out in front of the house and beside the A/C unit to make that bed much deeper than it is now. 


  1. Yes, I think you needed that hard, physical work as an outlet for your grief. You probably knew that the time had come for him to go and digging in the garden, preparing a bed for planting, was your way of coping with it. I'm glad that you were able to join other family members in the evenings, to be together and share memories.

    Your plans for that flower bed sounds good to me. Eventually, you will have a very lovely flower bed in front of your house. That's great that you've been able to grow marigolds from seed - I've tried, but, haven't had any success!

  2. I did have a nap today. It was a very deep sleep with weird dreams and when I awoke, I wasn't sure where I was or whether it was day or night. It was a very deep sleep. I guess I needed it.

    Yes I was happy that I was able to grow some plants from seed. I scattered some "humming bird garden" seeds from a packet into a very large planter on the back deck. Things are growing but I can only partially identify one so far (which I think will be either cosmos or love in a mist) So I will continue to nurture all of them until they bloom before transplanting them into a garden bed. Some of them could be weeds. Ha,ha.
