Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Weekend...already?

Today took me by surprise as it crept up on me so quickly. I slept in until eight and then suddenly realized with horror that I was completely unprepared for Trivia Night tonight. Sometimes in the past I have not composed my final questions until the day of, but this week I hadn't given any thought to it at all. It doesn't feel like a week has gone by. I have nothing to show for it. Only yesterday did I go out in the heat again to finish laying down the concrete block for the front flower bed. I have yet to dig any soil or lay down any Triple Mix. What have I accomplished this week? I wish I could say that I made some cards with my new craft supplies, but I haven't even done that.

I think that maybe part of the reason is that I have been spending more time over at "Dee's" house. I have been trying to help her spend her days without my dad. She spent a terrible amount of time looking after him. She had us all over for a pick-up dinner in the back yard yesterday. My sister and BIL have been entertaining her a lot at their house, but I still don't let anyone in here. Otherwise, I am writing out greeting cards, birthday cards and being in touch with friends and family. I do the usual laundry and cooking, but when I am not accomplishing projects, I feel somewhat unfulfilled. So perhaps I will be able to finish up the front flower bed this coming week. Today we are having another soaking wet day which is supposed to continue into the night and tomorrow as well. My rain barrel still has not arrived, so this morning I was able to rig up some eaves troughing to take the rain away from the house and the new garden bed I am digging up.
 When I removed the remaining sod next to the A/C unit, I felt I needed to replace support under the existing cement pad. Therefore, I carved out enough dirt under the cement to lodge 3 concrete blocks underneath. I also leveled off the circular blocks to remain at the same level all around. This was very strenuous work in the heat and I scared myself silly when I thought I was going to pass out. I listened to my body, sat on the steps until I felt better, then packed up all my tools and quit for the day.
While it was only thinking of rain this morning, I cobbled together pieces of drainpipe and a piece of plywood to direct water away from the house and onto the lawn. It appears to be working.

Have a wonderful rest of your weekend.


  1. This week did go by quickly, didn't it? I don't think you should worry about not accomplishing any major projects during this time of mourning the loss of your father; you being there for "Dee" and other members of the family is more than enough. I do wish you would work in the garden when it is cooler, though! You couldn't send some of that rain my way, could you? :)

  2. We have certainly had our share of rain this past week (and then some), but I'm not complaining yet. June was such a dry month and July is much above average for heat waves this year, that the rain is very welcoming right now.

    My grand plan for this summer was always going to be putting in some garden spaces in my yard, and when I look back at what I have accomplished so far, I've not done too badly. It has been a lot of work, but I shouldn't expect it to be done all at once. I will reel in my expectations just a little.
