Thursday, July 24, 2014

I want to show you a planter from my pond in the back yard. These are two lovely shades of pink petunias that I planted LAST YEAR. That's right! I never got around to putting any flowers in  these planters this spring; but as it turns out, I didn't have to. These lovelies self-seeded and have done very well for themselves in spite of the lack of attention from yours truly. If only all my planters would do this, I'd be ecstatic. Would save me a bundle. 
The morning started out sunny and cool...good weeding weather. So I went out to my veggie garden again to pull some weeds, hoe around my plants, and finally replant my green and yellow wax beans and my carrot seeds. Hopefully, I haven't left it too late. From the sounds of it, July is ending next week on the cooler side, and this weekend is supposed to be wet; so maybe I will get lucky with nice cooler growing conditions. Both beans and broccoli like cooler weather . As you can see, my broccoli plants have just started, so it would be wonderful not to have hot hot temperatures to make the plants bolt right now. No sign of cauliflower yet, but I will be watching closely. I really know nothing about growing vegetables, but I am learning from experience and  by the wealth of info on the internet. 

Last night I picked one of these yellow zucchini squash and roasted  them in large chunks in olive oil (salt, pepper, and garlic) in a very hot oven for 15-20 mins. I served them separately alongside a hamburger stew done in the crockpot yesterday. My SP didn't try them, but my son did. He said he liked them. I know I did. I had two helpings of the zucchinis and added the very little bit left to the leftover stew. As you can see, I am going to have more of these over the next few days. I am sure that if I grate these and use it to bake with, I won't have any trouble using therm up. Good thing I only bought one starter plant of this. 

I wanted to do more weeding, but my stomach told me it was lunchtime, so I came in to eat. Now  I am desperate for a nap again. I did a load of whites this morning and got them hung out. I talked to the family in BC yesterday. My dad and his wife just completed a rail trip across Canada, and  were picked up in Vancouver at the train station by my son and his family. They will stay with them for a few days before carrying on with the rest of their vacation out West. Anyways, my son was gifted with a Blackberry tablet so that we will be able to talk "face to face" with them all the time now. This is so exciting for all of us. I'll be able to watch my other grandkids  growing up. And my dad will be able to keep in touch more often with his great grandchildren. So, talk later. 

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