Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Monarda or Bee Balm. I used to have Crimson Bee Balm, but over the years it slowly died out and in its place grew this mauve flower. It's pretty, but I would love to replace it again with the bright red blooms that attract hummingbirds.
This week I have been attempting to finish the weeding of my front yard and driveway, We have had rain off and on, but for the most part, it has been cooler temperatures and breezy. I have been getting some of it done, but I think the job is bigger than I am.

I still have not gone for groceries this week. We had another "leftovers" supper tonight, but I also made a frittata with the last 5 eggs. Instead of peppers, I used chopped yellow zucchini and because I did not have any cheddar or mozzarella cheese, I used Parmesan.  Along with a cup of seasoned croutons that I made last week, I chopped a half pound of crispy fried bacon into the mix, and it turned out quite yummy. My son quite enjoyed it, and he doesn't even like eggs. I cleaned out the fridge today, and I was quite appalled by all the food I had to throw out.  I guess people are not eating it up for their lunches, me included. What I could do, is to freeze individual portions, so that they can be pulled out and reheated in the microwave. 

I am also looking at internet suggestions for making Christmas gifts. GASP I know it is July, but I am reading my other blogs, and discovering that I should have been doing this already. I am LATE getting started. I have quite a list now to consider. I usually start my Advent calendars by August, so this really isn't a stretch. 

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