Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday morning cook-off

Twice-baked potatoes

 I started my morning the way I always do. I unloaded the dishwasher that I ran last night and started to fill it up again. Then I proceeded to cook using the ground meat that I prepared yesterday. I made a pot of chili con carne for the freezer. There should be leftovers from the chili and toast the first night, so while I am away, the boys may want to have chili a second night, over top of twice baked potatoes. I added to the potato mixture  a partial bit of cream cheese that was languishing in the refrigerator, drizzled with melted butter and sprinkled a bit of Parmesan cheese on top before placing in the freezer.  I made some brown gravy and added to another container of cooked ground meat to make mince. My husband loves mince over boiled potatoes. After I buy the pork loin on sale at Food Basic for $1.88 a pound, I will have the menu complete for the boys, should they decide to follow it. I am also leaving a gift card for pizza that was given to me for my birthday. They won't starve. And neither will I when I return, as there are still cuts of meat in the freezer that I haven't used. So after that tiny bit of cookery, my dishwasher was full and ready for a wash. Now I am ready for a nap. I don't know why both cooking and shopping tire me so much. Maybe it is because there is this feeling of having accomplished  a job that I set out to do. There are lots of times I can go all day just puttering and not seemingly getting anything done, but I keep on going and work through the frustration. 

I will have to drag out my "under the bed" storage units where I keep my out-of-season clothes. Vancouver had such an early spring. The cherry blossoms bloomed last month. Though I will probably not bring any shorts with me (Vancouver doesn't really get hot, hot), I think I will need some capris and maybe some short sleeved tops...and sandals. I am getting excited to see my  grandchildren over Easter.  I'm also looking forward to the nicer weather, although I do enjoy the sunshine we are having lately. Talk later. 

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