Tuesday, June 2, 2015

In the veggie garden

I am thinking that perhaps my Queen's server is down. I have not received any mail today, although I obviously have internet.  I will not have any photos today either, as I usually mail them directly from my Blackberry...and the mail isn't working.

Yesterday, because my back was still tender, I stayed indoors and made some birthday cards for my June birthdays and one Father's Day card.  Today however, I was feeling so much better, that I actually used the roto-tiller this morning to prepare the soil with peat moss and manure. Then my husband and I drove to the local nursery to pick up some starts and some bedding plants for some of my planters. I finished my 3 planters in the front yard and only 2 at the back. I guess I will have to make another trip to finish up.

But I did get all my veggie starts in the ground. I planted 8 broccoli plants (because we had such good luck with them last summer), four tomato plants that I put right into my flower beds, only one cherry tomato plant, 4 red pepper plants, 2 cucumbers and four romaine lettuce. I will definitely be buying more tomato plants to put in the big garden. Planting tomato plants in amongst the flowers is an experiment. I still have cherry tomatoes in my freezer from last summer. We couldn't keep up with harvesting 4 plants. Every time I make homemade soup, I throw a few cherry tomatoes in the pot from the freezer. But we just had too many, so I made the decision to only buy one plant this year. Hope that wasn't a mistake. I also need to buy a yellow squash zucchini. I didn't see any this morning.

We also bought seeds, which I haven't planted yet. I bought sugar (pie) pumpkins, sweet corn, green and burgundy beans, carrots and red leaf lettuce.....those on top of the turnip, green onion and cabbage seeds that I bought on Saturday. While at the nursery, my husband asked if they sold seed potatoes and he was shown some large plastic buckets in one of the sheds and was told to help himself. They were free for the taking. Bonus! I haven't grown potatoes before, so we only took about 2 dozen. I will show you my potato barrels when my pictures come in. Hopefully, I'll have lots of photos tomorrow. Have a great night.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see your pictures! I love looking at other people's veggie gardens.

    It sounds like you got tons of tomatoes from just 4 plants! I have 18 plants this year, I think, mostly Supersweet 100 tomatoes (grape tomatoes) and also some Roma. The plants gave me tomatoes like crazy for 2 weeks and now the plants don't look as healthy as they used to (it's been really hot) and I can tell we won't be harvesting them much longer. Maybe another couple of weeks. It's been so fun going to the garden and plucking them, though. I also love hunting for the pole beans. I haven't had much luck with the potatoes but I'd been doing it wrong all this time. I'm hoping this time I'll actually get a few!
