Thursday, June 4, 2015

The garden is almost done

Some seeds are planted.

This is the veggie garden. It is 20' x 20' and we brought in some screened topsoil to a depth of  about 8 inches I am guessing. Each spring I try to add compost, peat moss and manure to keep amending the soil and making it more loamy. We have strawberries in the foreground that send out runners into the rest of the bed. These are what I had been removing and replanting into the green bins. Some of the berries are already turning red. We may be eating some in a few days. You can see my potato towers along the right hand side and the green strawberry bins down on the ground beside them. At the end of the potato planters (out of the picture) are the tomato cages. Along the back edge are my broccoli plants and the romaine starts that are in the shade late in the afternoon. My cucumber hills are in front of the broccoli plants just behind the 5 row markers. From l to r, I planted green beans, burgundy beans, turnip, and two rows of carrots.  Behind the row markers at this end are the four pepper plants. I think I will buy 4 more. I also want to buy cabbage starts  instead of trying to grow them from seed this year. I will save the seeds to grow my starts next Spring. You will notice that there is an unmarked row along the left edge of the garden. This is where I will plant the sweet corn tomorrow morning. I forgot to soak the seeds last night, so they are soaking now. From the potato towers to the last row marker, which still has the string attached, is left for my son. This is roughly half the garden. We originally built the garden for him, but I sort of took over. This year he wants to get back into gardening, so we split the area in half. 

One of my planters in the front yard has red and white petunias, snapdragons and pelargonium (geranium). It looks pretty sparse right now, but should fill in nicely.

So I did not plant my seeds yesterday. I fell asleep on the couch after lunch. I woke up and made chicken pot pie with a Bisquick crust (homemade Bisquick mix). I used the meat left from the chicken I roasted on Monday night with frozen mixed veggies, 2 diced potatoes and 2 cans of mushroom soup.
My Sweetie Pie took a bag of frozen sliced strawberries from the freezer on the weekend, used a couple on his cereal, and left the bag to drip all over the shelves in the refrigerator. I took those strawberries, 3 stalks of rhubarb from the garden,  peeled and sliced the two lonely apples languishing in the bottom of the crisper, to make a fruit crumble for dessert. It baked while we ate our chicken pot pie.
The carcass from the roast chicken I put in the crock pot this morning so simmer all day. I will take any meat left over from the bones to add to my stock to make a chicken soup tomorrow for lunch.

It took me longer to write this post, than it did to plant my 5 rows. So I will quit here. Have a good evening.  


  1. That is a huge garden! I hope everything grows well for you :) Mine is winding down, nothing really grows very well in Florida in the summer, it's too hot. Just the peppers, probably. How do you collect cabbage seeds? I have several cabbages growing (since last fall) but they're not flowering or anything and the bugs have started attacking them so I guess I'll just let them have them.

    I hope your back feels better!

  2. I don't collect seeds. I buy all of them. I am very new at this vegetable gardening. I love my flowers, but didn't really get into growing veggies until after I retired. Anyways, our growing season is really short; so I decided, it may be too late to attempt cabbages from seed at this late date. So tomorrow I will buy cabbage starts from the nursery, and leave the cabbage seeds that I bought until next spring. Then maybe I can start them indoors.
