Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Christmas update

Cards for my littlest ones.

I wanted to have all my cards made and mailed out by the 1st of December, but I was a few days late. I didn't get my cards mailed out until Friday the 4th. On that day I also went out with friends to Deseronto to a lovely tea house and  was treated to lunch by one of my best friends. I got a two tiered sandwich tray filled with finger sandwiches of cream cheese and dill, cucumber, and salmon, with an assortment of cherry tomatoes, cantaloupe, strawberries, chutneys and dried cranberries. It also came with a scone, strawberry preserves and clotted cream...very British and very delicious. I felt so spoiled. I did a little shopping in one of my favourite hardware stores, got up to the cash register to discover I'd left my wallet by the computer at home. Good thing my lunch was looked after. Extreme embarrassment. 
The following day (Saturday), I finished all of the hand-out cards that I will personally deliver to friends and neighbours. More friends picked me up for an early dinner in Napanee. I double checked to make sure my wallet was with me. *Laugh* We went to a British pub called the Loaf and Ale on the main street of downtown. At 5:30 the Santa Claus parade started. I love night-time parades. It was a very good parade and we ended the evening by driving to a local coffee house and drinking hot chocolate. 
Lights on the front porch

Sunday the 6th, I finally got my outdoor decorations up. I think they highlight the need for paint on all the wood and show off the fact that our house is in dire need of maintenance.  I didn't get around to it this summer like I wanted. I think a coating of new fallen snow would improve the look, but we are expecting a green Christmas this year. 
Dining room mantle piece

Dining room archway into living room

My beloved ceramic tree

Then yesterday, I cleaned my dining room (all but the dining room table. Ha) and hung up the lights and fake greenery. I put out my ceramic tree that used to belong to my mother-in-law and that always brings the fondest memories. I know it is old but it is precious to me. 
So it has begun. Today I will clean the living room and decorate. It is an all-day job. I pack up most decor items (including pictures on the walls) and replace them with Christmas or winter related items. I have collected some items to take away from the house, but most of them I will purge on January  6th as I remove the Christmas decorations. There isn't time right now to do a full purge. This is the Fall cleanup that I didn't get to. So what have I been doing with all my time that I have been MIA for most of the Fall? Well...some Christmas shopping  and mostly crafting. I have taken a few photos that I will show in January. I am also trying to balance the work with a few social outings with friends. We have done some travelling and my Sweetie Pie has had a few Doctors' visits. We had another "scare" this past month when it looked like he needed more vascular surgery. There will be more tests in February or March. My son's GF is preparing to give up her apartment after Christmas to come live here. They need to save every dime towards the tiny house build. So she has been purging her apartment to store her belongings in our basement and attic. I have a house full. That is another motivation for me to purge my own stuff come January. So I am off to clean the living room. Ta ta for now. 

1 comment:

  1. Such pretty lights! I don't see what you see when you say your house looks like it's in dire need of maintenance, though. It looks very nice from what I can tell. But people always compliment me on mine while all I see a dirty pile of rotting wood, LOL.

    I need to find some of those greenery things (I can't think of the word for them!) to weave the lights around my windows too. I have one on our staircase and the one under the mantelpiece, but it does look very nice around the window, like you did!

    I'm shaking my head at you forgetting your wallet at home. Did you first panic and think you'd been robbed or did you know right away you had forgotten it? I would have panicked. Last weekend my daughter put her wallet in my purse when we went shopping and somehow it dropped out of my purse into the car as we were driving but we didn't realize it. When we got home, she asked me for her wallet and I couldn't find it and I was close to tears when we decided to check the car, where we found it on the ground. Phew!

    Good luck with the decluttering! I keep on thinking I need to declutter and that would mean getting rid of a lot of things that I'm hanging on "just in case" and my experience has been that every time that I do that, I end up having a need for those things afterwards, so that makes it hard to decide whether or not to hang on to them or not. We have very little storage space in this old house, so it's very easy for the house to become cluttered. But right now, the clutter is stressful to me so I need to attack it. Any day, now. LOL.

    Have a great Wednesday! I hope (?) you get some snow. Christmas without snow is... weird. I don't think I could get used to living in Australia where Christmas is in the summer. At least we get to call it "winter" in Florida, even though it'll probably be in the 80s on Christmas Day!
