Saturday, November 26, 2016

End of week goals update

For November, I had hoped to clean my bedroom and Master Bath. I started last Sunday after spending the whole day on Amherst Island the day before. I even managed to purge some things. But I got a phone call at the end of the day asking if I had time to make a "New Home" card, and eleven handmade Christmas cards. This is what I have been doing this week for the most part. Again, I made 18 Christmas cards and let my client pick eleven from the bunch. There will be seven left over, plus the twelve I get back from the Island, will be a good start towards my own collection to send out. I went back to last year's post and read that I made over 60 just for family and friends. I guess I should have started these in July. Ha. 

Yesterday I took a break from making Christmas cards, and began making Birthday cards for gift sets. I had already made twenty cards which were packaged up and shipped out already. But I am needing to make at least two more sets of ten...perhaps 3 more sets. I won't be showing those cards, because they will be gifts for Christmas. My Craft room seems to be getting smaller with all the time I have been spending in there. Tomorrow my Sweetie and I will drive to Oshawa to meet my daughter, SIL, and my two grand kids for lunch somewhere. Oshawa is the half way point between our places. It is also their old stomping grounds. We will give the kids their Advent Calendar gifts and mom and dad will get their stocking gifts. I warned my daughter yesterday that there are no surprises this year. I have just bought the same old, same old toiletries, candy and stuff I usually give. I try to come up with something unexpected every year, but not this year. I have had too much on my plate.

I also wanted to deep-clean my kitchen in time for December baking that needs to be done. I haven't done that yet. It has been enough just to wash dishes, clean off counters, and vacuum the floor occasionally. But there are a few more days remaining until the end of the month.

I hoped also to get my outdoor decorations up....NOT DONE

I wanted to keep in touch more with  family. I mailed out a thinking of you card to my Mom.  I have made another but haven't mailed it out yet. I have not phoned my mom back, nor have I phoned my step-dad. BOO. I have talked to the family out West, my brother and SIL in Smith Falls, and my Dad and "Dee" in Elliot Lake, but all correspondence was initiated by them.
When I went back to my November Post to see what I had hoped to achieve, I read the comment from Bless once again who said she would like to see some goals about my well-being. I am sorry to say that Bless would be somewhat disappointed to learn that I had eaten my breakfast over the kitchen counter this morning while making my homemade BBQ sauce and cutting up the pork ribs for the crock pot. At this time of year I can't even make time to sit down and eat a meal. I just get to feeling overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done. I really have to make time to write on my Blog.

As a result, my weekly goals are kind of sketchy because I have not been writing anything down.

Purging and Organization: I started on my bedroom.

Money spent: I did not post my last grocery shop. But I can tell you that I got some good buys and some free food. I was given a box of meat from a neighbour who couldn't fit all of it in her freezer (chops, ground pork and turkey legs) We were also given a bag full of MacIntosh apples. The ribs I am cooking in the crock pot were an unadvertised special at the grocery store. They were $1 a pound. I bought two huge cryovac packages. We have just finished eating the mashed potatoes and gravy that I froze in smaller portions from the Special Meals dinner that we served a few weeks ago. We have finished eating the potatoes from the garden, but still have carrots left in the fridge that we harvested.

Preparedness and Maintenance: I am making a lot of homemade soups on the weekend that make lunches most days through the week. I made two pizzas last for dinner and one for the freezer. My Sweetie did a load test on our dead car battery and bought a new battery terminal and replaced it which saved us over $100 for a new battery. He will replace a fuel hose on our snow blower which should fix the problem. I mended a long seam on our comforter this week. This should keep the stuffing inside through another couple of washes.

Crafting: Enough said.

My Sweetie had two appointments this past week. He has the beginnings of glaucoma which they will monitor because it is a variety of disease that does not give much warning.
He met with the Urology surgeon who is passing on Rick's file to the Radiology Dept. who will take over his care. He is not a good candidate for surgery. He has his first Radiation this Tuesday, after the assistive devices team has checked over his defribillator.
Monday he will be meeting with the Transplant Team to see how much his transplanted kidney has rebounded since it stopped in hospital. Yes, I go with him to all of his appointments because he is unable to walk very far on his own. I have to use a wheelchair to get him to all places inside the hospital.

Hope my American readers had a lovely relaxing Thanksgiving, and all my readers are enjoying a good weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Susan, you have so much going on right now! It is overwhelming, I know. This might be the year to cut back a bit on decorating and other holiday preparations. I'd keep the deep cleaning until after the holidays.

    Your cards are as lovely as always. I hope you are able to make as many as you want.

    Eating your breakfast over the kitchen counter while you prepare other meals is not ideal, but, at least, you ate breakfast. (((HUGS))) Take care of yourself because you need to be well enough to be there for your Sweetie and others. Easier said than done, I know.
