Monday, June 19, 2017

Daybook: Monday, June 19/17

Outside my window.....It is mostly overcast with a few unexpected sunny breaks. It has not rained yet since I woke up this morning. The Hydro meter reader is walking through the neighbourhood taking meter readings of our electric usage. High school students are walking by on the sidewalk taking advantage of their lunch break. The front lawn needs to be mowed and trimmed again. A lot of my blue and white Capanula are out in bloom today.

I am thinking.....of the great afternoon I had yesterday at Kiwi Gardens. It was sunny and warm for the most part. Although we had quite a downpour during one of the sun showers, we were able to take refuge in one of the greenhouses in the Sales area before we even got to the Artists' Tour. After that major downpour, it remained good weather for the rest of the afternoon.

I am thankful for.....being able to spend the day with my son, his GF and a friend of their's who shares a love of gardening. For my son and I, it was the first Father's Day without Rick, so I was very happy to spend it in each other's company. Afterwards we had an early dinner in a great Mexican restaurant on the river in downtown Perth. The rain held off until after I got home last night.

From the kitchen.....this past Saturday, I made a turkey stock in the crock pot, a batch of homemade cranberry-almond granola, basic cornmeal muffins, cranberry oatmeal muffins and a batch of pea nutty dog biscuits.

I am wearing.....denim Bermuda shorts and a red T-shirt.

I am cards this past week, but more card sketches for some I want to start this week.

I am going.....probably nowhere today, but I do need to drive into Amerstview at some point to drop off a prescription and to pick up some more milk, bread and eggs.

I am hoping.....and wishing, as usual, to get some work accomplished this week. We are expecting another very wet and rainy week.

I am hearing.....the sound of my window fan, on low speed, and the occasional car drive by. Earlier this morning, the Emergency vehicles drove by. Our volunteer Fire Department is kept extremely busy as they are our first responders to area fires and traffic accidents. Highway 2 (on which we live) is parallel to Major Highway 401 which is one of the busiest highways in North America. Our vehicles can respond before the area ambulances and also as quickly as the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) which also has a detachment located here in Odessa.

Around the house.....the dog is sleeping. I have just had a fried egg and cheese sandwich for lunch. I have laundry to fold before I go to  bed tonight; but otherwise, I have not made a To-Do list or goals list for the week yet.

One of my favourite an ice cold iced tea during the very hot days, and a cup of hot tea when I need a pick-me-up, which I am wanting right now.

A few plans for the rest of the week.....resemble the plans I have had for a few weeks in a row now. That means more fair weather for working outdoors, and the motivation and energy it takes to get 'er done.

Here's the picture I am sharing...... more succulents that I bought at the show yesterday.
The pots were $7 each or 3 for $15. These are very different from the ones I have bought and shared already. The one on the left is very intriguing to me, and the two on the right are both trailing succulents, which will look great in my indoor succulent garden. Now I need to get on-line and find out what they are called. My garden is doing so well, I have already broken off some of them and given them away to other succulent gardeners.


  1. Cute succulent plants! Almost right across from my BFF's house is a house where the owners have replaced ALL the lawn with small brown gravel and planted succulents and other drought-resistant plants in nicely appointed planters. I wonder if they spray for weeds or just pull them but it doesn't look bad at all!

    I'm glad you had a nice day yesterday, I was wondering how you and your kids were faring.

    Fried egg sandwich... one of my favorite lunches!!!

    It's so weird that your high schoolers are still in school, we've been out for almost a month now. Of course when I was in high school we had classes through the end of June.

    Have a great, relaxing week, Susan! Don't do too much!

  2. The students I have seen this week may be writing their exams right now. Our elementary students will go until the last day of June. I think your kids go back sometime in August, but our students won't go back until after Labour Day.

    I like the look of gravel with planters, so much so that around my fish pond with sprinkler, I have laid gravel with sunken pots of perennials. I have planted Hosta, Yucca plants, grasses and Sedum. It actually could use a little more gravel as it is wearing a bit thin in places.

  3. I'm behind with my reading and commenting on your blog! Sorry, Susan. Glad to read that you and your son spent the first Father's Day without Rick, together. (((HUGS)))

  4. I am so far behind on commenting on YOUR blog, it is terrible. Mind you, I am reading consistently and faithfully (because I need to know what you are up to), but I have to make myself respond before I get up from the desk.

    Yes I knew it would be hard on my kids, but my eldest son and my daughter have kids of their own. I knew that my Middle son would take it hardest, so I am very happy we spent the day together. Thank you.
