Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Not Much Going On

I am waiting for some of that energy that I had last week to come back to me. After taking Saturday off for no good reason except that I didn't want to shovel gravel any more and Sunday off because it was pouring rain, yesterday I forced myself to go outside and move 6 wheel barrow loads to the back. My son and his fiancee were coming out, so I texted them and asked if they would pick up a roll of landscaping fabric for me.  Furthermore, they prepared supper for me again. Am I spoiled or what?

Instead of moving gravel, I asked my son if he would help me clear off the porch. Not only was it the first week of the Holiday Grand Plan, but it was a job that needed to get done. I had dragged my feet long enough. So we both attacked the job and got it done in about an hour....maybe a little more, but not long at all. It was like working with my husband. We made decisions together about what to throw away and what to keep. We loaded up my van with paint cans, oil cans, and an old battery for me to take to the toxic waste dump. I was very careful about what to keep in  the shed out back and we determined that most of the stuff was  trash and went out to the trailer out back. I have asked a friend if he will take it to the Transfer Station with me some day soon.  I still have my garden hand tools out on the porch  because I am still using them. My son is coming back to remove the stuff he wants to keep at his apartment. Then I will need to take a broom out there to bring down the cobwebs, the dust on the siding, and sweep down the floor. 
So when today started out wet and overcast I didn't think I would be moving gravel today either. Instead I  sat at the computer and caught up on blogs. By 2 PM the sun was out, so I went out also. I laid down landscaping fabric on the rest of the space that needs to be covered and forced myself to move 6 more wheel barrows of stone. There isn't much more to cover, so I am hoping to finish it tomorrow.

    Yesterday, we decided to take those stairs right off the back door and put something else in place  


  1. Your son sounds like such a nice young man, Susan, you are a lucky mom. And he and his GF cooked for you too? Yes, you ARE spoiled, lol. I hope you can finish your exhausting gravel project this week. It'll be nice once it's done, eh? I can't wait to see what you decided to do instead of the steps.

    1. Yes I am definitely spoiled by my son and his fiancee. Well, I went out today and tackled what was left of the "patio" out back. I could easily have spread out the entire 5 yards of gravel on that area, but I purposely held back what I hope is enough to fill in the hole where my pond liner used to be. I don't want to order more gravel in before Spring. Tomorrow, weather permitting, I will try to fill the bottom with pieces of cement, larger rocks and rubble to fill up some of the hole before adding the last of the gravel pile. I haven't done anything with the steps yet.

  2. You deserve a medal for all you are doing! Clearing porches and spreading gravel and making cards, as well! I'm glad your son was able to help you with the porch - sometimes, we really need someone else to help with that decision making, don't we? It cuts down on all the second guessing of ourselves that we tend to do. And there's nothing better than having dinner prepared for you by someone else! I'm glad you are getting spoiled! You deserve it.

    1. Yes I am very happy my son helped me clean off the verandah. I really did need someone else to help me make decisions in that regard. It would be really, really awesome if I could paint it after I cleaned it, but I will wait and see how the rest of the week goes. I don't want to bite off more than I can chew.
