Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Shopping Day

Since the weekend I have been wanting to go out to pick up a few things, but then I would get started on something else and before I knew it, it was time to start dinner. So this morning, after responding to my emails and reading some favourite blogs, I headed out for Kingston. After checking the on-line flyers, I decided I would pick up some produce at Freshco.

Veggies cost me $12.17
$ 1.13...zucchini  88 cents a pound pepper 97 cents a pound
$1.29...yellow onions
    .72...broccoli crown  97 cents a pound
 2.49...4-pk avocado
 1.99...bagged spinach (regular price)
 2.49...bunch of 3 leeks (regular price)

Meat cost $32.19
$10.00...4 1- lb. chubs of lean ground chicken
   8.00...frozen boneless, skinless chicken breasts
 10.20...1/2 pork loin at $1.50 per pound
  3.99...kielbasa sausage (sale priced)

Pantry items cost $21.83
 The Nescafe instant coffee was on sale for $4.99, the tinned pasta was only $1.29 (for the grand kids), and I paid full price for the salted almonds at $7.99  The other items I bought are store brand items because they were more cheaply priced.
I bought 6 boxes of tissues for $3.97
I also picked up some items  that I will put in Christmas stockings, bringing my total bill to $96.50; but food items only cost me $69.83 I also bought 4 liters of milk for $5.13 but forgot to take a photo.  From the grocery store I went across the street to Rhona  where I purchased a 30 liter bag of garden soil and 3  2 cubic foot bags of cedar mulch, which cost me  $12.38

When I got home  I cut the pork loin into 12 thick pork chops and was left with a small roast.  They all went into the freezer.  Lunch was homemade soup at 1:30. I called my sister for a chat before I went outside to pull some more weeds in one of the back flower beds. Tomorrow I should be able to lay down the cedar mulch I bought today. I was wise today by doing my shopping first because had I done the weeding first, there is no way I would have had the energy to drive into town.


  1. Good decision to go grocery shopping first, before you got too tired. You paid less than I did for the broccoli! Good price on the pork loin, too.

    1. Lesson learned. I was afraid that if I did the shopping first, I wouldn't feel much like going outside in the afternoon to work in the garden, but that wasn't the case. Although I have more motivation and energy in the mornings, pulling weeds doesn't require any thinking at all. It is almost relaxing and mind numbing. *laugh* So I just got outside and did it.

  2. I agree that it was a great decision to go shopping first. Also, the stores are always less crowded earlier in the day here. Is that the same for you?

    You did so well with your shopping! Those prices are fantastic. Seriously, everything sounds so frugal. Well done!

    I want to work with mulch today too but first I have to pull all the weeds that have grown in the mulch pile. I didn't sleep well last night and also it'll be a tad cooler tomorrow so I'm thinking of procrastinating on that particular task.

    1. Definitely, mulching needs to be done in cooler temperatures. That is why I save it for the spring or fall. That, and it is easier to lay down mulch while the plants are still small, or have been pruned back for the winter. We have been enjoying long stretches of sunny days and cooler nights. The leaves are starting to change colour.

      The stores were very quiet yesterday. For most of our grocery stores, Wednesday and Thursday are the end days of the last sale flyer. The new sales cycles generally go from Friday to Friday.

  3. Nice deals! That seems like an especially good price on the ground beef. I have been craving pork loin lately, but am waiting to buy any until we eat down some of the meat we already have on hand!

  4. Well, that is ground chicken. But I did get a good price on the ground beef because I went out again on Friday and picked up the four frozen chubs of ground beef for only $8 at another store. So I am well set for meat.
