Friday, April 6, 2018

End of the Week, Almost.

Normally I would be relieved that it is Friday but the day has barely begun. With my SIL's help and the tech support from my niece, I was able to load 10 items on Kijiji (the local on-line selling group). I have already sold two pieces (both of them are antiques), and I am getting payment  tonight for 3 more pieces. She can't take them away for two days. I have two different buyers coming this afternoon. I have had inquiries on all the pieces but one. That in itself is a full time job looking after the inquiries coming in constantly. But my SIL and I were both very busy packing up stuff in boxes that we picked up on Wednesday morning. As I held each item, I had to decide if it was coming with me in a small apartment or if I was going to put it in the yard sale on the first weekend of May (hopefully). Everything else was garbage. I bought 5 garbage tags this week and I have used all but one. I will definitely have 5 bags at the curb next week.

This week I also got my papers in to my accountant and so this morning he came over to get my signature and drop off the package. I owe $300 in provincial taxes, so I will be e-transferring that amount today as well. At some point this afternoon, I also have to drive to Napanee to pick up my dog's two prescriptions. One is the flea and tick medication for 3 months, and the other is the new pain medication that is much cheaper than the last one he was on. Tomorrow or Sunday will be the end of the "wash-out" period and he will again be able to take pain medication. I think I need to gas up my car for this month if I want to get to Napanee and back, so today I will be paying out a boatload of money. I hope I am successful with my sales this aft. As each item leaves the house, there is space freed up to hold the packed boxes and bins that my SIL and myself have successfully packed up. Mind you, we were only in the sorting stage, so I will have to go through the boxes again to clean up and price. I will have to have a separate sale in the summer for the outside furniture and tools, because emptying the house is my first priority and it is already overwhelming.

This sideboard was in very poor repair, but there was so much positive response. It is very difficult to know what dealers are looking for. I sold cheap because I wanted it out of here quickly. I had it for years with the hopes of having it refinished, but it never happened. Have a great weekend everyone and  I hope the weather co-operates for you.


  1. Sorting, decluttering, and packing can be a very difficult thing to do, not just physically tiring, but emotionally exhausting, too, and you accomplished a lot, this week! That sideboard is lovely! Yes, needs some refinishing, but the piece itself is very nice. If I had to downsize, I wouldn't know where to begin! LOL.

    Good job getting the taxes done! Even if you had to pay. I think, this year, I will have to pay, too, since I can't claim my daughter as a dependent, any longer.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Susan. Take care and relax.

  2. Friday became very much longer before the day was done. I will be writing a post later. I was so drained emotionally yesterday that I took a two hour nap in the afternoon. I am attempting to get the laundry done up this weekend.
