Tuesday, April 3, 2018

New Goals for April

House- The actual Spring Cleaning  is going to be put on hold this month I think, as I need to gather together boxes and bins for items I will be putting in the yard sale. It will still be a purge room by room, but I will worry about the clean-up and/or fix-up until just before  I put the house on the market.  It is difficult to figure out what needs to be done first. Getting ready for the yard sale will be time consuming. I don't really want to deal with real estate agents before then. I will try to sell the larger items on-line.

Garden- Since the house may not sell for a while, I think I would still like to put in a vegetable garden this summer. I have over $70 worth of credits that I could apply to tender vegetable starts like broccoli, tomatoes and cucumber, and then I could plant seeds for  zucchini, squash and beans directly into the ground.  I won't be selling the lawn mowers or the roto tiller until after the sale of the house.

Spending- Looking back at last month's finances, I have learned that my discretionary spending is still way too high. I have made some significant cuts in my variable spending (like dropping cable, using less hydro) but I need to plan ahead for all my additional spending. If I put aside an envelope at the beginning of the month and only spend from that, then when the money runs out, there is no more left. I will be forced to prioritize my needs and wants. I am going to file my taxes this month.

Saving- I want to be able to put more money towards c.c. payments and also into my savings. I guess I could start with the proceeds of my yard sale. I hope to spend less of my discretionary funds.

Family and Friends: I have a closer relationship with my family than I have had in a very long time. I would still like to drive up north sometime this month, but I will have to wait and see if time and money will allow it.

Health: I have a colonoscopy next week. I continue to eat the diet recommended to me by my GP. I try to buy my veggies and meat by what is in season and on sale.

Crafts and Leisure: I was able to produce a finished craft project every week through March, but I will not be able to keep up the pace this month. I resolve not to buy any more crafting materials in April.


  1. Good goals for April, Susan. Decluttering and getting ready for the yard sale will help with getting the house ready for putting on the market, too. You are going to have a busy month! But it will be all good.

    I second the decision to put the discretionary spending money into an envelope. It makes one really think hard about spending, because one can see the funds dwindling.

    I'm glad to read that you are having a close relationship with your family. Maybe you can drive up north after the yard sale?

    Hope the colonoscopy goes well. Do you have someone to drive you home, afterwards? I know I was told not to drive myself home and it was a good thing I didn't try to do so, because I got sick in the car due to the anesthesia! I hope your son or one of your friends will be able to drive you home, after the procedure.

    I, too, put myself on a craft supplies diet, awhile ago! I was going to buy supplies only if I needed something to finish a project - such as quilt batting to finish a quilt in progress, etc. Just use what you have on hand and say you'll finish that before you buy any more new stuff.

    Good luck with the goals, Susan! I'm cheering you on.

  2. Thank you for being my cheering squad Bless. The last two days have been very eventful. My SIL arrived yesterday morning before I had a chance to go into town to pick up packing boxes from one of my grocers. With her help, we were able to load up the van with lots of boxes. I also stopped at the pharmacy to pick up a prescription repeat and my preparation kit for the colonoscopy. I got my mail and 5 garbage tags. I spent a good deal of time entering my photos and information on 6 pieces of furniture for on-line sales. I have received several inquiries and I have sold one piece already with two others possibly being sold and picked up tomorrow. We have packed up lots of boxes, either to take with me or for the yard sale. Things are happening quickly.
    The hospital will not do the procedure unless I come in with my driver. If my son cannot take me after he learns his shift rotation tomorrow, then I will have to resort to a plan B (which I haven't figured out yet)
