Friday, January 30, 2015

Sunny Friday Morning

There's lots to do in sunny Odessa.
By the time I came in for oatmeal this morning, I had already been to Costco for the bakery pickup, to Freshco for two pork loin roasts and potatoes that were on sale, delivered most of the bread from the Costco pickup, and shoveled this much of the driveway. I came in because my cheeks were frozen. While I was cutting up the two pork loins into lots of chops and some smaller sized roasts for the freezer (at $1.99 /lb), I realized that just over one week ago I was on one of the beaches at Cayo Coco having the time of my first ride on a catamaran. I had already been in the water swimming and was lying on the beach sunning, when "Dee" and I noticed that they were dragging out the boats into the water. We were the first ones out that day.
But we were extremely lucky, because it clouded up very quickly. By the time we walked back to our rooms, the rain was really coming down. Instead of lounging by the pool after lunch, we curled up with a book instead. The sun was back out long before  dinner.
When I look at this photo, it is hard to get motivated to finish shoveling the driveway.
Since coming back,  it has been difficult to get much done at all; but I did get a lot of cards made this past week.
I managed to make all of my Kid's valentines. (ten in all) and some of my February birthday cards. I will also be starting the invitations for my Dad's 90th birthday party that is coming this Spring. Not that crafting counts as work, because it isn't. But I certainly count it as an accomplishment, and I never lack motivation where crafts are involved. 
I am just wishing I could have brought Flor back with me from Cuba. She was the lovely woman who took care of  my room every single day, and left me wonderful towel sculptures, beautiful flowers and little notes. She was a sweetheart and she spoiled me terribly. Maybe I can get back to my goals for the New Year now that January is ending and February is beginning. Talk to you Monday. 

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