Monday, April 10, 2017

Daybook: Monday, April 10, 2017

Outside my is sunny and warm. The grass has seemed to green overnight (perhaps over the weekend) and I see my snowdrops and little crocuses growing in my garden.

I am thinking.....of the busy weekend I spent in Ottawa and how enjoyable it was.

I am thankful wonderful friends and family who are worried about me being alone and wanting to keep me busy and active. But I have been realizing lately that I need a lot more alone time than I have been taking for myself.  I need to make them see that, and although I am indeed grateful to them for caring so much, I will get back in touch with them when I am ready.

From the kitchen.....I have baked a batch of doggie biscuits for my Boxer. I will warm up some rice and chicken stir-fry left over from Thursday, for my dinner tonight. 

I am jeans (what else?), black socks and a long sleeved pink shirt.

I am creating.....more Springtime cards from cuts I made on Wednesday from my new Cricut cartridge.

I am going.....nowhere today, except for maybe a walkabout of my yard to see if anything is starting to grow.

I am hoping.....that my standing appointment every Wednesday at noon with my doctor will help me work through my Depression with no need to increase my medication any more.

I am hearing.....beautiful silence, except for the traffic outside my door.

Around the SIL and I have purged every cupboard, drawer  and closet in the house except for the desk and my craft room. Those I feel certain I can deal with alone. My son and his GF have removed all of their belongings from the house, save for a few boxes in the craft room that need attending. I have so much room now. Things are organized. The whole house is now ready for a deep clean. As the weather improves I will be able to move out to the front porch, the back yard, the gardens, the tool shed and everything outdoors. I have washed three loads in cold water and hung my first laundry line outdoors for the season.

One of my favourite things.....are the first flowers of Spring.

A few plans for the rest of the week.....include a doctor's appointment this Wednesday and Easter dinner Sunday at my friends' house in Charleston Lake. I have informed my brother and my SIL that I am reneging on an invitation to their house on Saturday for Easter dinner since I just spent this past weekend with them, and because it will be too much for me.

Here's the picture I am sharing......snowdrops and crocuses.



  1. Oooh, I love that picture of the crocuses. So colorful and beautiful!

    I've been wanting more flowers but I don't have patience to grow them (plus I'm terrible at growing flowers) so I might go to the garden center and buy some more pots so the butterflies and other pollinators have something to enjoy (and me too!).

  2. Even though I grow perennials in my garden beds, I still love to buy or plant annuals in pots and hanging baskets, as they usually last all season long. They are also portable so that you can move them to areas of the yard that need some colour and texture when your perennials are done. Container gardening is quite rewarding.

  3. Wow, Susan, you and your SIL did a lot! Do you think you and she'd be willing to come to California and help me out? :D

  4. My SIL has been such a blessing. It makes all the difference to have someone who is emotionally detached from the "stuff" to help you determine what to keep and what to toss.
