Monday, April 3, 2017

Daybook: Monday, April 3, 2017

Outside my is gray and overcast. The street is very busy with cars this morning and kids are walking to school. We have both the elementary and secondary schools just down the road from us. Something on the side of the road is attracting the attention of the seagulls as they swoop down to get it and call off the other gulls who are also trying to get the prize. It seems a very busy place this morning.

I am thinking.....of the very nice afternoon I had yesterday with a friend who gently persuaded me to go for an afternoon drive on one of the few sunny warm days we have had in a long time. I packed some turkey, dressing, and cranberry sandwiches to have a picnic lunch. It was good to let her take me out of the house. 

I am thankful for..... my son's GF who is dropping in this morning with a notarized copy of my husband's will. My bank will not release the funds in his account until a copy of his will has been notarized. Both branches of government and all other dealings I've had to date have accepted his will, but them. I don't know how much it would have cost, but my son's GF was able to get it done for me by a friend of her family for nothing. I am very grateful.

From the crock pot has been very busy. I have turned bags of frozen tomatoes from my garden into containers of tomato sauce for pasta, chili and pizza.. I have been cooking up various dried beans and lots of soup stock, as I am using up items from pantry and freezer.

I am jeans, a navy blue sweatshirt from Bushkill Falls in Pennsylvania (a souvenir from another friend) and black socks. I buy these socks in bulk from Giant Tiger, so that if one gets a hole, I still always have a mate for the other. Thrifty?

I am creating.....a lot of cards lately. I have lots of Easter cards, some birthday and a Thinking of you card I need to mail out today. I have knit two dishcloths and am working on a third.

I am Amerstview later today with my notarized copy for the bank, and to pick up some milk and eggs at Shopper's Drug Mart.

I am doctor will get me back on track soon.

I am hearing.....lots of traffic noise and lots of birds staking out their territory.

Around the house.....I have surfaces that need to be cleared off from sorting that has been going on. The floors need vacuuming again.

One of my favourite a new cartridge I ordered online from Cricut. It was a terrific sale and free shipping and the best buy I have made in a very long time. The images are beautiful for card making. No, I didn't NEED it, but I have no regrets.

A few plans for the rest of the week.....include my doctor's appointment on Wednesday, my SIL's visit on Thursday to do more purging, and a trip with my son's GF to Smith Falls on Friday night. There is an international women's show in Ottawa this weekend, and my SIL has tickets for all three of us to go on Saturday, stay over again at her place on Saturday night to return to Ottawa on Sunday for an original crafting event. We will return late Sunday afternoon.

Here's the picture I am sharing.....the card I would like to get in the mail today, made with the new Anna Griffin cartridge I bought on-line.


  1. I keep on telling Greg that we need to draw legal paperwork in case something happens, and he is extremely reluctant "because we're married so they'll let us do whatever we want to do" or something like that. If there IS an emergency and he hasn't signed a will or directive, etc. it's going to be very very difficult. I try not to think about it but I'm actually very resentful that he refuses to do what needs to be done, for all of our sakes. Like you, I won't mention that again because it makes my blood pressure climb.

    I love your card! I'm glad you're enjoying your new cartridge, yes you did deserve a splurge for doing all that decluttering!

    I also hope your doctor is able to help. Have a good week and an excellent weekend :)

    1. The death certificate was not enough in most instances after the cremation. Most of my dealings required not only the certificate, but also a copy of the will. We did not go to a lawyer to have one drawn up. We filled one out using a kit (free to us), signed it in front of two witnesses who would not benefit from the death, and had both witnesses sign and date it. That was good enough for everyone involved, except the bank. They actually wanted a copy of the will say that the copy was indeed a TRUE copy of the original. They had to keep a notarized copy in their files for their protection. I get it now. I didn't understand when I was really upset. If I didn't have a will, my life right now would be in utter chaos. I am so grateful that we had one. Here in Canada at least, being a partner in marriage is not enough to remove his name from documents or to transfer ownership. But I am preaching to the choir. It is Greg I should be trying to influence.

      It is a beautiful cartridge, and I hope to make more card designs over the next few weeks.

  2. Sorry, Susan, I'm a bit behind with commenting. A will is a good thing. When my father died, even though he had a will, things got quite messy between his children from his prior marriage and my mother (and, thus me) when it came to dividing his estate. Different time and place and laws, of course, but still, one of the first things I did was make a will. I've since updated it a couple of times - once when my mother died and again, more recently when I was diagnosed with cancer. I got it done through a lawyer, but any will is probably better than no will.
