Saturday, April 22, 2017

Oatmeal and Raisins

While the sun was trying to come out yesterday, in the end it lost the battle. It didn't rain but it remained mostly cloud, wet and gray all day. In a moment of optimism, I hung a load of wash outside on the clothesline. I brought it in around dinner time still slightly damp. So I did not get outside yesterday afternoon to do some yard work like I had hoped.  I baked instead.
Oatmeal raisin muffins with a strudel top and oatmeal raisin cookies
Unfortunately, in my efforts to stay out of the Stax potato chips, I ate two muffins and far too many cookies last night. I guess I should go back to knitting dishcloths again in the evenings while watching Netflix. I am currently alternating between the Mindy Project (a comedy) and Midsomer Murders (a British detective drama). These are both television series.

All of last weekend and this week I have experienced lower back pain.....I am thinking arthritis in my hips. My knees haven't been hurting me unless I need to bend them. Haha. Last summer they barely bothered me at all, but maybe because of the damp weather we have been having lately, they are giving me some discomfort. It was suggested that I try a combination of Tylenol for Arthritis and Tylenol extra strength, and it has been helping a great deal. But I don't like taking pain medication long term and so I haven't been taking them every day. I've not felt like doing any housework....partly because of the discomfort, but mostly because I'm feeling lazy. So I have been doing mostly sitting down jobs, like whiling my time away on the computer and making cards.


  1. We are sisters in not feeling like doing chores, only you are being productive and creative by making beautiful cards while I mindlessly waste time on the internet. Yummy cookies, by the way, I don't blame you for partaking while relaxing in front of a TV show. I haven't watched The Mindy Project. I'm not sure if it's on Netflix here or not. The actress's character on The Office was not one of my favorites so I haven't felt an urge to watch her shows. I used to love Midsummer Murders and watched a ton of those several years ago. I saw that they had new episodes recently. I had started watching a couple more episodes but this time I couldn't get into it. Joy grates. I used to like the daughter but she pretty much disappeared from the show, I think.
    The Great British Baking Show "Masterclass" was supposed to start on Netflix today here according to an article that I had read, but I don't see any other series than the first 3 seasons that have been on there for a while already so I guess that didn't happen. Ditto for "The Secret Lives of Pets". Oh well.

    I'm sorry you're having arthritis. I wouldn't want to take Tylenol long-term either, apparently it's very bad for your liver. But I wouldn't want to be in pain either. What does your doctor say about it?

    1. I'm happy to hear that your latest Netflix shows are available after all. You may need something to watch while Greg is out of town.

      Believe it or not, I have never watched "The Office" I think that will be my next comedy after I finish with the Mindy Project. I love her comedy. Love this show. My daughter recommended it to me as she knows my sense of humour and GOOD taste.Ha. My son's GF recommended Midsommer Murders but did warn me about the several actor changes in the characters throughout the series.

      I will try my darnedest to maintain good standing in the sisterhood.

    2. "Good taste"... hmmm, I love you, Susan but you told me you really liked "Criminal Minds" and I loathe that show, so I don't know what to tell you, hahahahahaha. But I did just now check to see if "The Mindy Project" was available on Netflix and it's not. It's on Hulu but I won't pay for Hulu. I'll see if the library might have it on DVD.

      I've only ever watched the American version of "The Office", not the British original. My kids and I love it. Another oddball comedy we love is "Arrested Development".

      A good British crime series that I really enjoyed was "Foyle's War". It takes place during WWII.

      I'm going to renew my sisterhood membership today. I should technically be doing a lot of chores today for Domestic Monday but I don't feel like it and Greg won't be home to give a side-eye to the cat hair and dust bunnies tonight so I might just veg all day (which really isn't all that different from what I do pretty much every day but still...).

    3. Yes. Love "Arrested Development" too. I only ever knew about the American version of "The Office". I WILL watch "Foyle's War". It sounds like something really worth watching.

      "I'm going to renew my sisterhood membership today" That's what I'm talking about. Bless said she might join us, and then caved before 24 hours were up. Humph! She's been dusting AND vacuuming. I feel betrayed.

    4. LOL, you have me in stitches! We should hold a protest in front of Bless's house :P)

      My library only has Season 1 of The Mindy Project. I put it on my list of "Things to Put on Hold at Some Point".

  2. Your cards are stunning! Yum! Muffins and cookies! Oatmeal and raisins are both good for you, so, having a couple (or more) muffins and cookies should be good for you, too! I will join you and Nathalie in the don't feel like doing chores sisterhood! I finally made myself do the dishes, this morning. I desperately need to dust and sweep or vacuum. Them dust bunnies are mutating into something fierce while I sit at the computer!

    Take all the time you need to rest, though, Susan, especially if you are having arthritis and pain. Take it easy.

    1. "Them dust bunnies are mutating into something fierce while I sit at the computer!" *snort* That's so funny! That describes perfectly how I feel about the state of my home right now. And yes, it always feels worse when I am whiling away my time in front of this screen.
