Friday, July 6, 2018

Working Outside in Cooler Weather

All this week I have pretty much stayed inside out of the hot muggy weather. The exception was Tuesday when I started up the lawn mower and cut the front lawn. When I took it around to the back, it refused to start up again. I went out a few times to try again, but nothing. And before you suggest (like everyone else) that I check the gas, I filled the tank before I started. I love my push mower because it is so easy to start normally. Just one or two pulls and the machine starts right up. Anyways, each day this week I have gone out a few times JUST to try starting the mower, but no luck. This morning when I went out, I noticed right away what a gorgeous day it was. There were cooler temperatures and lots of breeze, so I decided to stay outside and weed.
This is one of those occasions when I wished I had taken a "before" photo. The garden was overgrown with weeds taller than myself. Grass and weeds were growing through the cracks in the brick pathway. My yellow twig dogwood was so overgrown, you couldn't walk on the pathway at all because the branches had grown out in the way. I took innumerable ( as in, I lost count) wheel barrow loads of branches and weeds to the compost pile in the back. The weeds were so thick they had choked out any flowers that had been growing once. Once I ammend this soil, I will transplant some flowers back in here. Before I came back into the house at 12:30, I put 1/2 gallon of my weed killer down between the bricks. Later, when it cools back down, I will go out and sweep these bricks clean.
Here I have taken the same picture from further away, so you get an idea from the foreground what I was up against as far as weeds are concerned. There are still branches that jut out into the path, but it is much better now. At least you can walk past.
My front flower bed is looking a little sad right now. I have some Rose Campion (fushia coloured), some mallow (soft pink), and my yucca plant called Adam's needle, is just starting to flower. In this front corner of the bed I have no less than 6 stalks as tall as me. They will look spectacular when they are all opened. All three of these flowering plants thrive in the hot dry earth. The front yard which I described on Monday as still green, is no longer. It is getting very brown and crunchy. We need rain. For the first time this summer, I had to go outside earlier in the week to water my barrel planters. My hanging planters I water every morning.
 In this planter notice one of the geraniums that I over wintered inside. This was a red and white Martha Washington from last year. There is no white this year. The flowers are larger and the most gorgeous deep  red. They seem to be thriving this year.

So what have I been doing the last few days inside in the air conditioning? Well.... between puttering and being crafty, I have kept myself busy. I have made a few birthday cards ahead in my stash. I went to Amherstview to Shoppers Drug Mart yesterday to buy milk and cottage cheese that were both on sale. I also picked up 3 Listerine  pocket packs on sale, spending  a total of $16.22, but saving $10.74 off the regular prices. I have been to the Post Office both to send out mail and to pick up some more letters from my youngest grandson. I had to pick up another roll of 100 stamps that cost $96.05   Hopefully, this will last me through Christmas.

So that is it. I am getting caught up with some blogs and reading about Nathalie's great vacation trip. But for the first time in a long time, I may lie down for a couch nap this afternoon. Working in the sun has made me a bit fatigued. Bye bye for now. 


  1. Glad you are staying indoors and keeping cool during the heat wave, Susan. Your garden might be overgrown, but it looks lovely to me! And your hanging basket with the gorgeous geranium!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Take care.

    1. I won't be overdoing it during a heat advisory, but it sure was nice getting outdoors yesterday when temperatures dropped to more seasonal weather pattern. I don't water my lawns at all, but I do like to protect my investment of annuals in planters and pots. The grass and perennials will come back so I don't worry about them.

  2. I read about all the deaths in Quebec due to the heat, I hope you're not overdoing it if you have a similar heat wave!

    More lawnmower woes. But this time it's your push mower? Poor you. Maybe it was too hot for it to work too, lol. I hope you figure out the problem later on and that it's not another expense for you.

    Well done on all the weeding! I was just outside and remembering that I'd said I was going to do some serious weeding this week and then thunder sounded and the clouds got dark so I'm back indoors without having done anything! I'll try to get to it this weekend, if I can make myself get up early enough that the garden is still in the shade. Love the geraniums! My grandmother always had geraniums and petunias at her windows, they always remind me of her. My dad also adorns his balconies with geraniums in the summer, it's a stunning view.

    Have a good nap!

    1. Yes, we were in the same heat wave. All the deaths in Quebec were investigated to find that none of the victims had a/c in their homes. There are cooling stations set up but the majority of deaths occurred in men over 50 years of age, living alone. Even with no a/c, if you stay hydrated and use a fan to move the stale air, your chances are better. Heat advisories need to be taken seriously. While it was nice to be able to get outdoors and weed yesterday, I did get some sunburn. I hadn't planned on staying outside as long as I did, but I should know better by now.
