Monday, September 7, 2015

Happy Labour Day

Red Sedum - Dragon's Blood Stonecrop
I rescued this poor plant from being crowded out by my Obedient plant in the back yard. I put it in the front bed where I just neglected it, and it has thrived. It loves dry soil. It is a nice touch to the Fall garden. 
This is the unofficial last day of summer. Scheduled life begins tomorrow. It is very hot and humid today with temperatures reaching 40 degrees Celcius (with the humidex) and nobody feels like doing anything. That is a good thing as we shouldn't have to work on Labour Day. 

I slept in until 9:24 this morning. I still can't believe it (and that is after a 2 hour nap yesterday afternoon and  a usual bedtime last night). My Sweetie Pie got up with the dog this morning and I didn't even hear him get up. I  left the AC unit on low last night in our bedroom, so it was very comfortable. After my shower and getting dressed, I opened the bedroom door to step out into the hall, and my glasses fogged up. Holy Moly! It was hot. 

Anyways, I had my coffee and cold cereal in front of the computer checking out my email. Then I decided I wanted to make some iced tea like Natalie's Imperfectly Frugally, empty the dishwasher and get a load of towels in the washing machine. I filled the electric kettle (with automatic turn off) to boil for the tea.  My laundry basket had unfolded pillow cases in it, so I decided to take them upstairs to put away and start the towels while I was up there.  I passed by my table fan which I brought down last week from my bedroom because it had stopped working. So I took it completely apart from the motor and washed the fan blades and housing unit and cleaned the attaching hardware......still didn't work. I sprayed some Pam into the motor and turned the piece that holds the blades until it moved freely. Success!  (I also use Pam to fix squeaky doors) The table fan is helping to keep the living room more bearable right now. We also have a ceiling fan and I have drawn the curtains.

So then I took the basket upstairs, folded the pillow cases, and threw in one load of towels. I came downstairs and emptied the dishwasher. I cleaned the counters and the stovetop. I had inadvertently turned on the wrong element yesterday making dinner and burned the corn. I substituted carrots and turned the correct element  on under the potatoes. Even so, I managed to let the potatoes boil over because I was tied up with the burnt pot of corn. It took about half an hour to scrape out the charcoal from the bottom. Sheesh. Some days are like that. Anyways, with cleaned up counters, I thought I had better get a bunch of dog biscuits ready for the oven before it got way too hot.  I thought about the tea again and turned on the kettle. I gathered together the ingredients. I didn't have cornmeal, so I substituted dry bread crumbs. I didn't have whole wheat flour, so I substituted white. They won't be as nutritious now, but I don't care if the dog doesn't. But by now, my towels were done so I put another load in the washer and hung the first load outside on the line. 

While the dog biscuits were baking, I cleaned up the counters again and loaded the dishwasher back up. I realized at that point that I hadn't even thought about dinner, let alone lunch. So I put a pot of water on the stove to make macaroni for a cold pasta salad for tonight to go with some grilled Oktoberfest sausages. I am using up some cucumbers and tomatoes from the garden, as well as some red pepper left from my last shopping trip. I toasted a blueberry bagel for my lunch but did not even sit down so I could keep an eye on  the pasta. Once the pasta drained and the biscuits were done, the second load of towels were ready to be hung up. I put a third load of laundry in. I was ready for a sit-down break, until I remembered I hadn't done yet what I started to do this morning.....make my iced tea. 

Pink Asters
So here I am. My lemon Zinger Herbal tea has steeped and is now cooling down on the counter. This seems to be the way my days go lately. I start out with a goal in mind and get side-tracked down the primrose path. I guess as long as things are getting done, it shouldn't bother me. But if I were following a To-Do list, it always looks like it took me all day just to do a few items on my list. I am needing a better way to get organized. How about you guys? Do you have a list, or do you fly by the seat of your pants?

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I'm laughing so hard... you forgot your tea! Well, Susan, you certainly labored on Labor Day (sorry, "laboured" and "Labour Day"). Goodness. I'm totally like you, getting distracted even if I do have a list. I start in one room with one goal but then I notice something else and I don't trust myself to remember it later on so I start tackling that task and pretty soon I've started a lot of things but not all of them get completed. Ugh. I really need to get better at this and I'm not sure that at 47 I can retrain my brain altogether :)

    Your Pink Asters are glorious, seriously. Dang it, I need to plant flowers too. Maybe make flower beds around the veggie garden? That would be pretty and attract pollinators... Gotta think about it.

    Oh, and I also turn the wrong burner on sometimes but usually I catch myself right away and then get scared about what could have happened if I hadn't caught myself so now I tend to double and triple check everything. More worrisome is that in the past 6-7 months or so, I've forgotten to turn OFF the burner after the food has cooked. Nothing is on the burner, but it's still on. My cooktop is black and if the temperature isn't very high, the burner doesn't really stay red. So sometimes I've forgotten to turn it off and didn't even realize it until about 10 minutes later. So now before I sit down for dinner, I check the stove again just to be sure. I feel like someone with OCD sometimes!
