Thursday, September 10, 2015

Iced cold Lemon Ginger herbal tea

Yesterday started out just as hot and humid as it has for the past week, so this ice tea tasted so good throughout the day. I added another list of To-Do's to my new notebook, hoping to move some items from my other lists onto this page. As it turned out, I had enough "must-do's" that I didn't have much time to tackle anything else. Glad to say that I crossed everything off my list.

I started by making two birthday cards for the month of September. I have more to make, but these two need to get out in the mail before mid-month. I didn't take a photo (AGAIN). The recipients read the blog, so I didn't want to spoil the surprise; but, I never remember to take pictures to show afterwards.

Last night I needed to get the garbage and paper recycling out to the curb, so during the day I picked up trash from the bedrooms and bathrooms. I bundled up the flyers and newsprint, gathered together the plastic bags,wrappers and recyclable clear plastic food containers, tied all the corrugated cardboard into one pile and picked up the bag of thin cardstock (like cereal packages)

I made potato salad for supper. I have run out of onions, so I chopped celery up for crunch and added onion powder to the mayonnaise for flavouring. I also chopped up some fresh chives and added paprika. It tasted really good. I have added onions to my "to buy" list.  

MMMM....Potato salad

When I was putting my recipes in the binder the day before, I found a cookie recipe I really wanted to try called  "Bread crumb Biscuits"  that I took from the Cheapskates newsletter. One of the ingredients is two cups of bread crumbs, so I was excited to think I found another way to use up all those breadcrumbs that I have. Alas, I don't have applesauce (and I didn't want to make any yesterday), so I made peanut butter cookies instead. I have added apple sauce to my "to buy" list. 

My Sweetie Pie never noticed I baked these until dinner last night. Now they are half gone. 

I sat at the computer after I got all these items crossed off the list. I was going to post about my success, but instead I looked up different greetings and verses I could use in my birthday cards. At Christmas, I often gift people with a package of homemade cards (mostly birthday cards), so I wanted some new sayings to print on the inside of my cards. That surprisingly took up a lot of time....but so worth it to me. 

For dinner, alongside the potato salad, we had green beans from the garden and breakfast sausage from the freezer that I bought for breakfasts that I never made for my family company this summer. After dinner I ripped out seams from an old curtain valance that I have an idea for gifts to make. 

I have put a beef stew in the crock pot this morning (from my $2 a pound eye of round I picked up this summer) along with beans and carrots from the garden. I brought in ripe tomatoes to make pasta sauce. These two things are now crossed off my list. 


  1. Those cookies look very good! Especially since I clicked on the picture by mistake, which enlarged it A LOT on my screen and suddenly it looked like I could just grab one, LOL.

    I'm also baking cookies today. It's the start of the NFL season so I always bake football-themed cookies for Greg on that day. I'm making sugar cookies and I will ice them with the rest of the cream cheese icing that is left over from last Saturday's Red Velvet Pancakes breakfast. I'd better taste it first and make sure it didn't go rancid since there is butter in it. The cookies will be shaped like footballs and football jerseys.

    You did a great job crossing off everything on your list! I'm still looking at accomplishing everything that is on the list that I drew 2 days ago. I don't have much motivation.

    I hope you have a great rest of your day, Susan :)

  2. The secret to accomplishing things on your list is to keep the list really short. Ha. Football themed cookies for the start of the NFL season? Wow! You really go all out. I won't tell my husband or he will expect cookies shaped like little hockey sticks and skates for the beginning of the NHL season. Yah! That's going to fly.

    1. Hmm, think I do have a hockey stick-shaped cookie cutter. I could mail it to you if you'd like. Hahaha. I got lazy with the decorating and just plopped the icing on the footballs and wrote nasty things about Tom Brady (Greg's favorite Quarterback and the one I hate the most!) with food markers on the jerseys. I can't wait until he seems them, they're waiting near his chair (which is decorated with football-themed decorations that I reuse every year).

      Thanks for the tip about the list but Susan, it didn't sound like your list was that short. You're just trying to make me feel better and thanks for that :)
