Thursday, May 11, 2017

Thursday Update

I set  the alarm clock again for 6 AM. I needed to take the dog out, feed and water him, and then look after my coffee and breakfast. I took four plastic bins of recycling out to the side of the road. I left here at  7:40 to be at the garage for 8 AM. I left my keys with the manager and proceeded into the store to buy my gas can. I got about 3 rows of knitting done when the manager came into the waiting room to tell me that although they ordered the right part, "they" sent the wrong one. Can we try this again tomorrow morning?

On the way home, I stopped to put gas into my new gas can. I had a cup of tea, because I deserved one, and then went out to weed for 2 1/2 hours.  I did some more work in the driveway and around the third flower bed I worked on yesterday.  While pulling weeds around some campanula, a glint of silver caught my eye. It was the  ring that my Sweetie had lost in the autumn while trying to fix the snowblower out in the driveway. He had lost some weight and the ring had become too loose. At some point he realized the ring had come off. We looked everywhere in the gravel and in the rocks that lined the flower bed, but couldn't find it. I bought the ring for him on a trip I made to Mexico with my dad and "Dee". It was silver with lots of ornate engraving on it and he had decided to wear it on his ring finger as a wedding band. And there it was this morning sitting on top of the green plants as though he had just dropped it there moments ago. I am so happy to have it.

After lunch I pulled some couch grass from the small bed around the birch trees....the first weeding project in the BACK yard. And then I used the new gas can to fill the lawnmower to cut more of the lawn in the back. I'm still not finished, but I have given it a good start. If all goes well tomorrow morning, I will have the brakes fixed and then I am off to Bradford for the weekend. Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day.


  1. I'm trying to type but I'm all teary-eyed from you having found Rick's ring... I'm happy you found it, my lovely Susan.

    I hope you're OK doing all that driving with a leak in our brake system. Did they at least top off your fluid level again? Crossing my fingers it can finally be taken care of tomorrow morning!

    I'm really enjoying your daily updates :) I might just have to go back to mine too since not blogging hasn't proved helpful at all, hahaha.

    1. Last weekend my son bought me two bottles of brake fluid to top the reservoir up because the brake light was no longer flickering. It was pretty much on all the time. With all the driving I did last week, it never came back on once.

      Yes, I was so happy to have the ring "show up" when it did, because it answered a question that was on my mind. With everything that seemed to be going wrong with my van, I wondered if I should try to drive to Bradford after all. I was already apprehensive about it, never having driven there beforeby myself. I am a nervous driver anyways when I don't know exactly where I am going. I was so unsure of myself. The ring told me to take it in stride, not to get flustered, and I would get there without incident if I didn't get upset. I have to admit, I was terribly calm while driving this weekend. The car just seemed to drive itself.

  2. I am so glad you found your Sweetie's ring! It's like a message from him, isn't it?

    Sorry to hear that the wrong part arrived and you need to take your vehicle in, again, tomorrow! But hope they fix it and you'll be on your way to your daughter's without much delay. Have a safe journey and enjoy the weekend!

  3. Finding the ring definitely was a message to me. See the reply to Natalie.

    They did get the brakes fixed on Friday morning, but I did not get away on schedule. In fact, I didn't arrive to my daughter's place until almost six o'clock that night. I had to drive through Toronto during rush hour traffic. OMG! I will tell the story in a later blog story. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's day weekend. I haven't read your blog yet.

    1. Susan, I got goose bumps, reading your reply!
