Thursday, January 4, 2018

Working at the New Job

Today was Thursday, and it was my first day at the new job. I didn't get started until after 9 AM because I was reading blogs (and not commenting), emails and talking on the phone. I produced two birthday cards before I made my breakfast of an omelet with diced peppers and crumbled bacon. I got the garbage out for pickup last night, but forgot to get the recycling out in time because I was busy with the cards. I had a late lunch of beef soup and before I quit for supper, I had completed 8 cards. Too many! I think next time I will aim for 5 or 6. I did not complete anything else today and that kind of bothers me. My shoulders hurt because I was hunched over the table. I didn't even have to make dinner because I had leftovers from last night to warm up. Eight cards in one day is a lot, but seven of them are already spoken for this month and that is the main reason why I will not show you any photos of them right now. I will take pictures though. I may or may not have to work 2 days a week to get ahead. Maybe aim for 10 to 12 cards a week??

I unplugged my outdoor Christmas lights and brought the timers in.

I unloaded  the dishwasher this morning and had another full load this evening.

Today was a no-spend, no-drive day.

My house is falling apart. Today while working on the cards, I heard water dripping from the window in my dining room. When I went over to investigate I stepped into a pool of water running down the wall underneath the window ledge. I have since put a container on the sill to catch the water drips and I have towels on the floor and the window ledge to soak up the water that has dripped from the window frame. Where is it coming from? My thinking is that it is melt water from the snow on the roof of the verandah. Is there flashing installed between the vinyl siding of the house and under the shingles of the verandah roof? There should be, but there is no way I can check until Spring. I hope this isn't going to be another problem for me this winter. What is happening??


  1. Well done on the first day of the new job, Susan! I suppose it is OK to feel so enthusiastic on the first day and work all day. A part-time job, however, should be just that! So, maybe, a couple of hours in the morning and another couple of hours in the afternoon? Do you work on one card at a time, from start to finish? Or lay out 8 cards and do them assembly line fashion? Perhaps, as you go, you'll find ways to take short cuts. But how wonderful to have 7 of the first 8 already spoken for!

    I'm sorry to hear about the water leak! I hope it is not something too serious and can be easily fixed. I had a flashing installed wrongly (so I was told) on my roof and, when it rained one winter, the roof leaked so much that a portion of the ceiling plaster came down and there was much water damage to the wall, as well! I got the roof repaired, but I still haven't got around to getting the ceiling and wall fixed! Fortunately for me, the part that got damaged is behind the fridge and the overhead cabinet, so not too obvious. (((HUGS)))

    1. Ummm, no. I think I misled you. I made 8 cards, but I need to use 7 myself. So in actual fact, I am only ahead 1 card at this point. But that is still better than falling behind. Any cards I make this week will be available for sale or to go into surplus for gifting.

      I will probably have to wait until Spring to go up on the roof and check for a major heat loss and also check to see if the flashing is there. Once the source of the water problem is solved, I should be able to tear apart that section of wall and pull the insulation before I have mold problems. I am pretty sure I can repair the inside wall myself.

  2. Well I was gonna say "When it rains, it pours" but it seems like it might be in bad taste. I'm so sorry that you have a leak. How frustrating. Maybe there is a gap under the window sill and that's how the water is coming in? You're right, there would be flashing under the siding, I'm thinking. Otherwise you'd have had that problem before, it sounds like. Could you perhaps put caulk on the inside of the house, under the window sill? However, you might still get water inside your wall. Not much you can do in the winter about it, I suppose. Would any of Rick's friends know a thing or two about these things and could they advise you?

    Don't burn yourself out with the cards, you don't want your favorite hobby to become a chore, either!

    Good luck with everything, Susan. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

  3. Actually, one of Rick's good friends dropped by this Saturday and right away he noticed the ceiling planks down. I told him about the water leak. He agrees there isn't too much we can do about the leak until Spring because it is definitely coming from all the ice melting from the roof. But he will certainly come out to help me. He seemed really concerned about my latest bout of bad luck around the house. The inside wall will definitely have to be torn out and insulation and drywall replaced, but I cannot do that until the problem is fixed.
