Tuesday, January 2, 2018

A Reminder of My 2017 Goals


Personal goals for 2017


 I need to try harder to stay in touch with my mom. Ideally, that would mean phoning her at least once a week....perhaps the same day each week, so she will come to expect them. If I do not phone her, then I must make and send her a card.  I failed miserably in this regard. I did not try to phone her but I did indeed send more cards to both her and my step-dad. Now that she is living with my sister, I have definitely talked to her more often, so this is a very good thing.

Continue to send my young nephews and nieces some cards on special holidays and make more "Just because I love you" cards for my grandchildren. Yes, I have continued to send special occasion cards to my nephews and nieces (Valentines, Easter, Hallowe'en and Christmas) , but I only sent one extra "just because" card to my youngest grandchildren.


I would like to lose 20 pounds over the course of this year, and keep it off. I will consume less sugar and starches and eat more soups and vegetables. Definite success but not due to anything I attempted. It was due to my doctor's insistence, and I have been successful at keeping up with it. 

I hate exercise, but I will attempt to walk more and work out of doors in the good weather.  I think this was successful. I believe I was forced to work outdoors much more. I still don't take walks and I still hate exercise.

Special projects:

I need to save money just for some special projects I would like to happen this year. (There was no extra money saved for projects)
  • tear down and rebuild a new deck in the back yard. The deck was torn down and replaced with 5 yards of gravel.
  • outside painting NO
  • new laminate in the Master bedroom  NO
  • repair and tile the kitchen floor  NO

I will learn to use my sewing machine to use up some of my fabric stash NO
I will make mats for my card making from bits of paper scraps that I have been collecting.  I think I did much, much better in this regard. I still have a lot of paper scraps to use up, but I have researched more card designs to help me use them up.
I will try to learn more complicated knitting patterns, instead of just dishcloths. NO
I need to make at least 3 scrapbooks this winter. NO

Purging and Organization:

I will purge at least 5 items a day, or 25 a week, and I will post about it. Big Success, and it was mostly due to my SIL coming every other week this past Spring to help me purge carloads of stuff to Value Village. Rick's brother took two trailer loads to the dump from the shed, and a neighbour helped me remove another trailer load late this summer. I look forward to continuing the purge into this year as well.

Maintenance and Preparedness:

 I will try to learn more skills for myself in  DIY and upcycling and share about it on my blog. YES!


I need to write down every penny I make, spend on food, spend on sundries, and save for a special project
I wasn't always successful, but I gave it a good try.

I will be better at reporting on my weekly and monthly goals.  Nearer the end of the year, I discovered that reporting on weekly goals was better for me and I became more successful with reporting it. 

Tomorrow I hope to present my personal goals for 2018. In fact they will remain pretty much what I proposed for 2017. Circumstances changed my priorities last year, but overall they are still goals that I want to pursue. I will be placing more emphasis on Finances and Environment (Home and Garden)  by laying down some more detailed steps to follow month by month. 



  1. You made some progress on all your goals, even if you didn't accomplish all of them. It was not one of those run-of-the-mill years for you, was it? You had a lot to handle and it was a rather challenging year. That makes it all the more remarkable to see the accomplishments you did achieve. So, give yourself a big pat on the back for what you did manage to achieve. Looking forward to reading your 2018 goals.

  2. Thank you Bless. I had given some thought into making up those goals late last year. So even when life threw me a curve ball, I think sub-conciously I was still aiming for success. Yes I failed miserably in some regards, but like you said, I made progress in other areas, whether by necessity or by design.

  3. Susan, you succeeded in the area where I completely failed, which is "health". You completely crushed that goal, even if it wasn't your impetus but your doctor's. YOU still followed the plan and stuck to it and saw the results! I'm so proud of you!

    And then you moved all that gravel by yourself, were great at posting your groceries and how much you spent, decluttered your house (with help but still!), took trips, supported your friends who were ill and/or recovering, etc etc. It was a hard year for you but I feel like you made the most of it. I look forward to following your adventures in 2018!

  4. Sometimes necessity is a great motivator. If I could somehow lose the fear, I could be motivated all the time. In those times when I feel anxious, I will try to remember that accomplishing those things that make me anxious, also increases my self confidence and I feel much better about myself. Thank you for the encouragement.

  5. I think you did a great job Susan -- as Bless said, even if you didn't acheive the full goal, you made progress on all of them. Way to go!

  6. Total success may have been elusive, but I will take "progress" any day.
