Thursday, May 28, 2015

Last week of May

These are Columbine. I didn't plant them, but they come up from seed wherever they land. Sometimes I pull them out and throw them away because there are too many of them or they grow up in the middle of my other flowers where I don't want them.  I only have this one colour and they are somewhat smaller than the flowers you can buy at the nursery, so I suspect they are wild Columbine. But mine get so big and bushy and they are such a lovely hit of colour, that I leave them alone for the most part. They seem to thrive on neglect. 

Snow in Summer

This morning it looked like it could rain...very cloudy and foreboding. But again, it was just a tease. I decided that I would stay indoors anyway to do some vacuuming and fold some laundry. After lunch, the sun came out, so outside I went to cut and remove some more grapevines and to pull some more weeds. It is really a full-time job. My Sweety Pie took a second trailer load of branches and shrub into the Kingston Composting centre. His friend came over yesterday with a chain saw to cut up all the trees that  were dragged back to the curbside. While his friend used the chain saw, we threw the pieces into the trailer, so our first load went out yesterday afternoon. It looks like we have one more very full load to go out tomorrow. In the meantime, I have nearly another trailer load  of prunings and grapevines from just the last week's work...and I'm not finished yet. I have a huge compost pile in the back yard that I normally use to toss my wheelbarrow loads of weeds, spent flowers and tree prunings. Right now it is so tall, I cannot throw anything else up on top. And really, I don't want to throw the grapevine in the pile, as it will root on anything and take off again. My neighbour used to say about grapevine and Manitoba Maple....they will grow in your toilet, if you let it. So this pile I am working on now, hopefully I can load this into the trailer and get it outta here. 

After working hard in the hot sun yesterday afternoon, I was so exhausted, so my SP made dinner for us....grilled pork chops and Newfie potatoes. YUM! Tonight I will make some Hellman's chicken and mashed potatoes. I will have to start it now while I still have the inclination. Have a great evening everyone. 

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