Friday, May 1, 2015

Frugal Friday

Pasque Flower

One of my daffodils with white bleeding heart starting to come out in the background

Pink Aubrieta deltoides

I have been able to go outdoors and putter in the garden this week because of the beautiful warm and sunny days. I have pruned some shrubbery, taken out some weeds and cleaned up the dead vegetation from around the new growth that is trying to come up. I would like to get this finished before I put down some manure or peat moss to amend the soil. As you can see, a lot of flowers are making an appearance before I can get to them, but they don't appear to be suffering any. The ground is extremely dry and we could use a bit of rain. But as long as the weather is fair, I will work outside. 

I went in for the Costco pickup this morning, but for the first time ever, there was nothing for pickup. I used the trip to town to buy this week's specials at No Frills. There are lots of great bargains this week......$1 and $2 items. The only meat I bought was another pork loin roast at $2 a pound, which I cut up into 12 chops and a large pork roast for the freezer. I also paid $1 for a smoked cooked sausage which I will slice up for pizzas in the coming weeks. I pretty much stuck with the bargains except for Borax, washing soda and bleach. After making another batch of dry laundry detergent this week, I needed to buy some more supplies for making my own. I will be washing a lot of laundry again this weekend and hanging outside to dry. 
With coupons, these three items cost $1

The Dove soap cost $1, but I used a $1 off free. The Catelli Smart pasta was $1 each but I used a $1 off coupon when you buy two, so 50 cents each. Now before I forget, I will have to check my online apps to see if I qualify for any money on my accounts. I have been neglecting to do this recently, so it is like throwing money away.

 My husband went to Shoppers Drug Mart yesterday to buy milk,  Life brand baby aspirin, a bag of Doritos (on sale), and 2 loaves of Wonder bread. He used the "coupons for points" that I received in an email last weekend from SDM to receive 4400 Bonus points on top of the 120 regular points for those items that we needed anyway. (Well, not the chips...ahem) Usually they send me store coupons for "money off" items, but because it was Senior's Day yesterday, I got a discount on all the items anyway at 20% off. Score! Those 5 items only cost $13.25 with tax. 

When my SP went to the Doctor's office earlier in the week, he dropped me off at Value Village to peruse the merchandise. I haven't been thrifting in a very long time, so this was like heaven to wander around the store for about 2 hours and not have to worry about someone "hurrying me" while I had a gander. I found two pairs of jeans for working in the garden. Since bringing them home however, I discovered that one pair is brand new with the original tags still on, so they may not be work jeans. I bought some lovely glass jars for under a dollar for storing my dry beans and such. I bought a book, some rubber stamps for my card-making,  and a grab bag filled with page protectors, carbon paper, notebook dividers, black card and onion paper. I am a sucker for grab bags, but I can use everything that I found in this one. I allowed myself to spend $30 and I did not go over. But it meant that I had to keep putting stuff back and deciding what was important. It was difficult but it was so much fun. 

Have a great weekend everyone. Hope the weather cooperates for you.  

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