Thursday, February 4, 2016

Flu shot

We had to go into Kingston this morning, after I took the recycling down to the curb,  because I had an appointment for a flu shot. I know. I know. I should have had it in the Fall. I went into Shoppers' Drug Mart specifically for my free shot back in the Fall, but the line was so long, I turned around and left. I got busy because of Christmas and never gave it another thought. My doctor's office called earlier this week to ask when I received it, and I had to admit that I never got one this year. Hence.....
Dairy $17.87

Anyways, since we were in town I decided to go to the Bulk Barn while my hubby went into Service Canada to update his health card. And then I stopped into Giant Tiger to pick up some potatoes and their loss leaders this week. The Becel margarine was 2.98 each 1 lb. container. The 400 gm cheese bars  (about 14 oz.) cost $2.98 each

Protein $5.00
I can make my own meatballs, but why? I thought this was a very good price for 64 meatballs already conveniently made up for me. 

Pantry items $4.84
These cans are for my emergency supply in my pantry. The beans were 77 cents and the soup was 88 cents a tin. 

Produce $2.67
We go through a lot of potatoes each week. 

Snacks $2.54
Now here is something I hardly ever buy....snacks. But at $1.27 I think they were even cheaper than the Bulk Barn. I could have put them under protein or baking supplies; but the truth is, we will eat these as snacks.  

Bulk Barn items $32.90
Back row: whole wheat flour, quick oatmeal and cornmeal
Front row: course sea salt, Parmesan cheese, cheese powder, dried onion and slivered almonds

So when I got home, I took pictures and then put the bulk items in their respective containers. I ate lunch and then went upstairs to put more mud on the taped up seams. I wanted to do some housework today, but it ain't happenin'. Maybe tomorrow. 

Last night I cooked a pork loin, seasoned with peppercorns,  with the last of my potatoes and broccoli. Tonight is leftover night where my Sweetie and I "forage for food in the fridge", but there is lots to choose from, so no cooking for me tonight. 

I called my answer. And I called a friend to wish her Happy Birthday, but she wasn't home. So I may go have a wee nap this afternoon. 


  1. That's a good price on the cheese, isn't it? I'm with you with buying pre-made meatballs. My kids love the Italian-style Armour meatballs and they're on BOGO at Publix every so many weeks so I just buy them then. My daughter loves being able to just grab a few if she makes herself pasta or a meatball sub for lunch. I like just having to nuke them for 3 minutes instead of cooking them in a pan or oven for much longer than that!

    Forget about the housework. I think your energy is better spent making progress in that bedroom at this point. Well, that's my opinion, at least.

    Enjoy your nap. Yikes, it's 2:15 p.m. and I'm still in my nightgown! I have to go shower!

  2. It is a good idea to get annual flu shots. I've been getting flu shots for over 10 years. I finally convinced my family to get flu shots too. The shots must work because we have not had the flu at all in the last couple of years. We usually try to get them in October.
