Sunday, February 28, 2016

More shopping on the weekend

We drove into town again yesterday morning for another shop. I picked up loss leaders at Freshco's $1, $2, and $3 sale. Then we drove over to Value Village Thrift shop to buy a few items of summer clothing for my upcoming trip (and this summer). I need clothes that are not tight fitting, are loose and flowy and preferably made with breathable natural fibers like cotton. I must have my knees, shoulders and collar bone covered as this is a very conservative culture. I will show you what I bought later this week.  
Protein $24.18

Octoberfest sausage $2.00 a pkg.
Shopsy's hotdogs $2.00
Bacon $3.00 each pkg.
Pork loin roasts at $3/lb.

Sundries $16.99

Dairy $4.99

Produce $1.50

Groceries $17.97

The best deal here was the 10 lbs of flour for $7.97 which my Sweetie picked up for me at Food Basics. 

Snacks $8.00

This morning we made yet another trip into Amerstview to Shopper's Drug Mart. If I spent $75 today, I would get a $10 dining gift card  as well as a $10 Shopper's Drug Mart gift card. There was no problem spending the $75 as I needed to pick up more hair dye, the dishwasher detergent on sale, eggs and milk. I also picked up Tylenol, low dose aspirin, vitamins, assorted toiletries and antiseptics and medicines for the illnesses I will probably suffer while I am away.  Every single item  I bought (except milk) was on sale. I saved over $50 on my purchase. 

Tomorrow morning is my Sweetie's appointment in Toronto at 9 A.M. with the vascular surgeon. He will undergo two tests and meet with the doctor. We will probably leave here at 4:30 A.M. to get to the hospital in time, so an early night for us tonight. I might not post tomorrow. We will see. 


  1. Good luck at the doctors office. Sounds like you will need to go to sleep early to get up and moving that early. That was a good trip to the store with lots of savings!!! I was just looking at our flour store and seeing how low it got because I didn't stock up this year because of the move :( I have 5 lb bags in the back of one of my cabinets and I think that I only have 11 left. Here is hoping that lasts me until November when the sales start again but probably not because I use so much. You flour seems so expensive!! I stock up when it is $1 for a 5 lb bag. I am sure it is more frugal then other options like not making things from scratch but goodness you would think that essentials would be a little lower priced!

  2. Ha. You would hope that basics would be cheap to buy, but at $7.97 for 10 lbs., that was $6.00 OFF the regular price. So yeah. Flour generally is expensive here. It goes on sale about twice a year...not very often.
    Thank you for wishing us luck tomorrow. We are very anxious to hear what can be done. if anything.

  3. Good luck tomorrow I'll be thinking about you guys. Be careful on the road!

    Awesome job on the savings! $50, wow!
