Thursday, February 25, 2016


So my house is a disaster zone. There are still renovations going on upstairs in the bedroom and tools are on both levels of the house. My son's girlfriend is all moved in, but because the bedroom is not yet finished, we have  STUFF all over the house, waiting for a place to store it all. I also have STUFF waiting to be put away....somewhere. Today I decided to start the process. I picked the front room. This is the place where one enters our house. I decided I would start with picking things up and finding a place for it. So at the end of the day, the floor is picked up, vacuumed and wet mopped. Tomorrow I will tackle the tops of the two desks that are in there and the coat closet. From there I will pick the next room. I will not purge anything yet until the whole house is done and I can come back to the beginning and do a proper spring cleaning.
Taking the first step

I am currently baking another batch of oatmeal muffins. I have made a few tweaks in order to cut out some of the fat and  sugar. The original recipe is excellent, so if this doesn't turn out, I will go back to the first recipe I tried. I will give you a link later on.  The first dozen muffins were eaten within 24 hours. So good. 

I have gathered a huge bag of corrugated cardboard from various places in the house that I have flattened out and is now ready to take to the recycling plant tomorrow when I am in town. 

I cleaned the downstairs washroom.

My Sweetie and I had leftover chicken pot pie for dinner tonight.

I am doing my first grocery shop on March's budget tomorrow morning. Stay turned for the breakdown. 


  1. You've been a busy bee! It would drive me crazy to have another person's stuff all over my house because I'm very territorial, if messy. You're being a good future mother-in-law!

  2. If that kind of stuff drove me crazy, I would have been in the loony bin a long time ago. I think we have tools in every room of the house. Long ago I used to have car parts in almost every room.....thermostats boiling on the stovetop, radiators defrosting in my bathtub, batteries charging on the table, etc., Yes it bothers me, but I try really hard not to let it upset me.
