Sunday, June 24, 2018

Fifteen Frugal Things This Weekend

  • Starting Friday, I stopped on my way home from the Retirement Party and did my grocery shopping thereby saving myself another trip into Kingston. (combining errands)
  • I took some time on Friday afternoon to activate and register on-line all the new loyalty cards I have recently received, so that I do not lose any points or future offers. 
  • On Saturday I drove into Amherstview to pick up my phoned-in prescription and take advantage of an offer I learned about at Shopper's Drug Mart. If I spent $50, I could earn 10xs  the loyalty points. I took advantage of the offer to pick up some toiletries and medical supplies that I needed to get. 
  • I completed another survey on Pinecone Research. If I get another survey to do, I will have enough to request another $20 credit on Amazon.
  • I put 2 trays of chicken legs with backs attached that I bought on Friday, into my crock pot with water. I will make my own chicken stock and pull the meat from the bones to put in the freezer, thereby cooking once during the low peak times during the weekend to make several servings of meat for future weekday meals. 
  • I also cooked a pound of ground chicken meat for the same reason.
  • I washed my laundry in cold water and hung outside on the line and dried it before the rain started up again. 
  • I fried a pound of bacon and put that in the freezer to add to omelets and different casseroles. 
  • I saved the bacon fat and put in the refrigerator. Since my diet allows me to have animal fat, I use this to stir fry vegetables and make my omelets in the morning.
  • I made another 2 liters of my Miracle Clean spray and refilled all my spray in the kitchen, one in each bathroom and one in the laundry room for pre-treating stains. 
  • I started making my iced tea again now that temperatures are getting warmer.

  • I boil water in my electric kettle in the morning to make a  4 cup pot of tea with one tea bag. That way I only need to microwave each additional cup of tea I have throughout the day and I can keep the kettle unplugged. 
  • I pulled weeds from the gravel pathway I have between the sidewalk and my flower bed. Then I used my homemade weed killer to keep them from growing back as quickly. 

  • I also weeded my front flower bed and put my saved coffee grounds right in the garden. I use the large tins of ground coffee to fill up my reusable pods for the Keurig. 

  • I was able to successfully wash a feather duvet on two gentle cycles of my front loading washer....once with a little liquid detergent, and once with just clean cold water to make sure all the soap was removed. (There are very good instructions on You Tube). 


  1. Oooh, I love this! Great job, look at all the frugal muscles that you exercised!

    I especially liked the idea of cooking the chicken in water in the crockpot so you save several steps and a lot of time and electricity. Great idea!

    And good thinking about making sure to keep the items that you needed to buy until it was 10x the Reward points. I'm veyy bad with this because whenever we "need" something, I tend to think I need to buy it right away. I'm not a good strategist.

    The flower bed looks so nice and clean! I need to make weedkiller and pour it on my patio, those weeds are relentless.

    1. Well you are the one that inspired me to make a list, with your recent blog post style. I can't seem to do it everyday because I don't do as much as you, but you got me to wonder if I could come up with a list of different strategies. I took it as a challenge. I will see if I can come up with a different list this coming week, although it will not be 15 items. *laugh* It is quite the challenge.

  2. Lot's of frugal activities! Well done! I don't think I was particularly frugal, this weekend. With daughter home, visiting, we splurged a bit on eating out and shopping! But, we mostly bought things on sale and I hung the laundry to air dry, so that's at least two things!

    1. I agree. It is difficult to be frugal when you have company, but because you are frugal the rest of the time, it is possible to "splurge" on those occasional visits. You need to replace items in your wardrobe, so why not use the opportunity to go with your daughter and have some fun doing it. And like you said, those items were deeply discounted anyways.
