Thursday, June 21, 2018

What I Have Been Up To

It is Thursday afternoon already. I can't believe that tomorrow is the last day of the week. Mind you, I did lose Monday somewhere as I mentioned in my Tuesday post, but it still surprises me that the week flew by so quickly.Wednesday morning saw me take the two loads of laundry off the line, fold them up and put them away. I next began going through all the unsold items stacked in the entry room. I packed up a huge Rubbermaid bin with the small appliances that did not sell and a few more items that I thought should have sold. Maybe because it was a hot sunny day people were not looking for flannelette sheets and candles, but in September they might. So those are the kind of items I packed up for the second sale. I have also discovered lots of items that were forgotten. Everything else was repacked into cardboard boxes and plastic bags and loaded into my van. There is a LOT of stuff. And yes, a lot of it is good stuff; but as you might remember, it was driving me crazy having it piled up around the house. Well at least 3 people have asked me why I am giving it away to the Thrift store when I plan to have another yard sale later on. So this morning I did not drive into Kingston so I could think about it. Instead I continued my card-making over the last 2 days while I pondered.  I am thinking that maybe tomorrow morning I will go into the Craft Room and organize the space  to make room for some more boxes and bins of the left-overs. I have been purging and organizing my supplies in that room and I now have some empty floor space I could stack "out-of-sight" my collection of yard sale items and add to it throughout the summer.  Then tomorrow afternoon, I am going to the Retirement party for my co-worker.

My grandson who just turned 7 years of age has been very, very busy over the last couple of weeks writing cards to everyone he knows. Awwww. I have received two of  his adorable letters so far. Today I decided to reciprocate with one of my homemade cards to him (and of course one to his sister, because you know...even Steven)  I haven't mailed them a card since Easter, and I know how kids love getting cards in the mail. I am so happy that he has taken on this project of writing. It probably costs my daughter a small fortune in postage stamps, but he is practicing his penmanship in a way that he finds enjoyable. So Yay! In the midst of making more birthday cards for my stash, I stopped to make two "summertime" cards for my two grand kids. Sorry. I keep forgetting to take photos. I wanted to make them and write small notes inside and still make the cut-off time for mailing them out today. When I got back I mowed both lawns, front and back. My dinner tonight is going to be shredded cooked cabbage with hamburger. Today, I decided to cook the shredded cabbage in the crock pot to save using as much Hydro (during peak time 11 AM to 5 PM) and to not heat up the kitchen. I will let you know the result.

 As my red peonies fade away,
my double pink blooms are just opening up.


  1. You've had a busy couple of days! I think it is a wise decision to hold onto the unsold stuff for your next yard sale. One never knows what might sell, later on. If things remain after that sale, then, you can take it all off to the thrift store and donate it. Maybe get a receipt so you can deduct it from your taxes, if that is allowed according to your tax laws. How sweet that your grandson is writing and sending cards and letters! I'm glad you'll be able to reply and encourage him! Your peonies are gorgeous! I think, when you move, you will need to find a place with at least a small balcony so you can continue to grow some plants!

    1. It's funny. When I report that someone I know has received one of his cards, like his great grandpa or his uncle, he is beyond the moon excited about them loving his cards. When I myself gush over his cards, the reaction is "Meh. You're my grandma. You have to love everything I do" No, he doesn't say that, but that is his reaction. Too funny.

      If I move into an apartment, it MUST have a balcony. I need to be able to sit outdoors and have a few planters around me.

      I have decided to keep most of the unsold yard sale items. Yesterday I cleaned and rearranged the craft room so that sale items are pretty much on one side of the room.
