Monday, April 8, 2019

Daybook: Monday, April 8/19

Outside my is a wet and rainy day in April. The temperature right now is 3* C (37*F), but will warm up later to 12*C ((53*F).  My lawn is starting to green.

I am quickly I moved into my regular routine after I returned home. I was very sad leaving my daughter's house and fought back some tears, but once I was on my way, I slipped into my comfort zone.

I am thankful for.....another Spring.

From the kitchen.....I made another chicken broth over the weekend, with which to make another pot of chicken soup. I saved the last loaf of keto bread from my oven, which needs me to replace my baking element sometime soon. I prepared all of the weekend meals on top of the stove.

I am denim jeans, a pink long sleeved button down shirt, and black socks.

I am creating.....die-cuts from the Animal Kingdom Cricut cartridge I borrowed from my daughter. I played most of the day yesterday, working through the cartridge methodically, making notes to determine the best size to print out the images for making cards. I have a set of Peachy Keen stamps that are cute animal faces. Some I can use on the outline cut of some of the animals. I am trying to determine the size I need in order to use some of those stamp, if possible.  I will then make several die-cuts of my  favourite images. It has been a lot of fun! I am easily amused.

I am the post office later today to mail out some cards.

I am hoping.....for sunny, drier days this week.

I am hearing.....traffic on wet pavement outside my window.

Around the dining table is heaped again with papers, glue and other embellishments from the weekend's activity. My living room needs decluttering and dusting. My kitchen is screaming for attention. I have lots to do to keep me out of trouble.

One of my favourite to be able to stroll through my gardens again to discover what is growing.

Goals for the week......

  • a trip to the lab to have blood work done
  • call my GP to make a follow-up appointment
  • call the Breast Screening clinic for my mammogram appointment
  • a shopping trip for tinned tomato sauce, cheddar cheese and Stevia sweetener
  • order a baking element for my oven at the appliance repair shop
  • make at least 10 cards this week
  • mail out the long distance Easter cards immediately
  • set a timer and do at least two  15 minute declutter jobs this week in the Craft room
  • wash big kitchen window, inside and out.
  • if outdoors, pick up branches from the yard and put on the compost pile. Gather garbage from the yard in a green garbage bag for pickup
  • start every morning with SPF moisturiser and long wearing lipstick
  • moisturise every night
Photo I am sharing.....
 The first thing I noticed driving up to the house, were these Snow Drops coming up between the rose canes.

Then I found some crocuses blooming. The leaves of daffodils   (top of photo) and allium (in the foreground) are just now trying to push up through the mulch.


  1. Sounds like you are having fun with those die cuts! It's easy to slip into the familiar routines when we come back home, isn't it? I'm sure your daughter and the grand kids are missing you.

    How nice to see the plants starting to come up and the flowers blooming! We had two days of warm temperatures and already most of my osteospermum flowers have died!

    Hope the week ahead is a good one, Susan. Looking forward to seeing your new cards.

  2. It's another rainy day here in Paradise. Ha,ha. But then again, rain is better than snow. It will help to clean away the winter and prepare us for May flowers. Rain does not help my disposition though, and while I would like to drive to the lab this morning to get my blood work done, order the element for my oven and pick up a few groceries, I will probably struggle to get out the door. If I don't make it out today, I have a whole long list of indoor activities to keep me busy.
