Saturday, April 6, 2019

Home This Weekend

I arrived home yesterday. My son-in-law drove me and my belongings all the way from Bradford, turned around and drove straight back. That was a very long drive in Friday afternoon traffic. But it was still early enough for me to drive into Kingston to pick up a few grocery items. I also had 2 weeks of mail to pick up from the post office, and I made a trip to the bank to take out my $360 for April (household expenses and gas money). I called the IT department before I left the house to have my email account reinstated and I checked all my phone messages. My husband's cousin who I have been sending greeting cards to, passed away just this past week. I sent a text message out to people on my list to inform them of my return and I talked to others by phone. I watered the downstairs plants. (After reading that Bless was down to two house plants, I decided to count mine. I have 30, not counting the geraniums upstairs that I am overwintering )  Before I knew it, it was time to make dinner for myself. I had forgotten to eat lunch because I was so busy.

I spent a total of  $51.45 on 6 bags of winter veggies, 2 bags of Oriental mixed veggies, frozen spinach, 2 kg bag of  blueberries, 4 small zucchini, English cucumber, 1 lb of butter and carton of table cream. Also purchased, but not shown, was a package of 4 large skinless, boneless chicken breasts and 2 dozen eggs. It wasn't a complete shopping trip because I did not sit down and write out a shopping list, but I knew that I was completely out of vegetables, butter and eggs and I wasn't sure if the milk I left behind was going to be any good. It was, so I made a batch of yoghurt this morning.  I know already that I need tinned tomato sauce and hard cheese.

When I left for Bradford two weeks ago, I took a lot of food with me. I was determined to follow my diet, but I didn't want to be a financial stress on my daughter. I bought a few items while there like milk, eggs, butter, cabbage and cream but stretched it out nicely so that there was very little I had to bring back, which was basically frozen meat that wasn't all consumed. I am sure I have enough to last a couple of weeks now that I bought the chicken breasts yesterday. They cost $3.77/lb, but that is a good sale here for boneless skinless chicken.

This morning, besides making a batch of yoghurt, I also used 6 eggs and the last of my almond flour to make a keto loaf before discovering that the baking element on my oven had shorted out. Drat! Since the oven had already preheated, I turned off the oven and placed the bread inside anyways, and left it there. After an hour, I finished cooking the loaf for 5 minutes in the microwave. It is very pale looking, but I believe it is cooked through. The texture and height seem the same. I warmed up some leftovers for my lunch and grilled two slices of the bread. It was very good. So I am relieved I did not have to waste those ingredients. I will have to wait until Monday before I can pick up a baking element to replace in the oven. I may also have to wait for my son to come help me pull out the stove so I can unplug the appliance, but I have already been waiting on him so that I can clean the sides, back and floor underneath.

It is a lovely spring day outside, so I did up a small load of dark laundry and hung it up outside. Little things like this give me a great deal of joy. I still have ice on my back patio, but the clothesline is out on the lawn where it catches the sun rays and the breeze. I will take a stroll later to see if any plants are making their way up through the soil. I saw my first robin two weeks ago  (the day I  left), but that is one full month later than usual. I hope the rest of you are enjoying a lovely sunny day and that you have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Welcome home, Susan. My, but you hit the ground running, didn't you, getting all the grocery shopping done, picking up your mail, going to the bank, etc. I'd have just sat down and rested saying I was tired after that long drive!

    30 houseplants? Hm, that's not a challenge, is it? :D I can't keep houseplants alive!

    I hope you are having a lovely weekend. I am glad you were able to hang out a load of laundry. Glad your bread came out well, too. :)

  2. Ha. A challenge? No way. I would strongly advise against having so many in the house. My problem is that I just can't "kill" them, so I split them and set them up in their own pots and try to find more room in the house for them to reside. This spring, I will call some friends or set some out for the taking and hope I can find new homes for them to go.

    Yesterday was a lovely day. People were outside walking their dogs, meeting up with neighbours, raking up their lawns and just generally soaking up some warmer temperatures. I hung out my first line of laundry and it was wonderful.
