Saturday, April 13, 2019

Shopping on Saturday

I hate going for groceries on the weekend, mainly because everyone else is out shopping on their days off work. I am retired so I can go any other time of the week, and I wished I had. But I was out of eggs and milk, and almost out of butter, so that is where I found myself this morning. I stopped first at the Bulk Barn to buy some almond flour and some dried minced onion flakes. Then I hit NoFrills for the bulk of my supplies.
Meat and dairy cost me $37.83  The smoked ham was $1.47/lb and butter was on sale for $2.77/lb.
Fresh and frozen produce cost $34.17  (cabbage, tomatoes, English cucumber, mixed berries, 2 brussel sprouts, 1 green beans, and 6 winter veggies.)
I forgot about the 2 doz. eggs I also bought, the granulated Stevia, the almond flour and died onion
flakes which cost another $21.46 for a total expenditure today of $93.45 I have only $ 48 remaining in my household budget for the rest of the month.

When I returned home, I baked a loaf of keto bread and sliced up the whole smoked ham to fill 4 quart sized freezer bags with sliced ham. I made myself a ham sandwich for my lunch. Mmmm. It was so good. Today is sunny and fairly mild, but very gusty. I was tempted to go outside with a garbage bag and pick up trash, but it is too windy for that. Besides, a lot more will probably blow in today and fill the yard up again. I hope all of you are enjoying the rays of sunshine at least. Have a great weekend.


  1. You got some good buys, there, Susan. That was a good price on the butter! I stocked up at $3/lb., the last time I bought butter! This week, butter is "on sale" for $3.50/lb. at one grocery store.

    I was interested to see the 3.25% on your milk. Milk here is skim, 1%, 2%, and whole. :)

    I hope you have a lovely day, tomorrow. May your weather continue to be sunny and mild.

  2. A great sale on butter is $2.99. I almost flipped when I saw this price on brand name butter. We also have skim, 1%, and 2% milk. Whole milk (or homogenised) is rated 3.25% here.

    Last week I really enjoyed eating slices of cucumber and tomatoes drizzled with different varieties of balsamic vinegar I received at Christmas, so I indulged in buying some more this weekend.
