Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Out and About

It was another dismal wet rainy day, which always casts a shadow over any activities I may have planned  for the day. I struggle with my moods and I wasn't sure if I would go out or not, even though I had mentally prepared for going into LifeLabs for blood work. I would also stop at the post office to mail out 7 Easter cards, stop off at the appliance repair shop on the way in to order a new baking element, and pick up a few groceries I forgot the other day. If I decided not to drive into town, I have a stack of to-dos that would keep me occupied all day. In the end, I went on-line to find out where I would find the model number on my stove (I have been unable to find it in any of the places I guessed). Having the model # and the serial # in hand, and putting on my moisturiser, long-lasting lipstick AND mascara,  I felt I was ready to take the plunge. Also, and this was a very important consideration, I could take care of 4 of my weekly goals all at once. So, I left the house.

First of all, I mailed out some long-distance Easter cards that I had planned to mail yesterday, but ran out of time when I helped "Dee" prepare a written introduction for my dad for an upcoming meeting of the Ontario Retired Teachers Federation. She wrote an excellent paper, but just wanted someone to edit and refine some of it. Next, I stopped off at the appliance repair shop to order an element, but was able to buy one they already had in stock for $56, including tax. I didn't have much of a wait at the lab. I keep a crossword puzzle book in my purse for those waiting times. On the way home, I stopped at NoFrills to buy crushed tomatoes, cheddar cheese, and......I forgot my shopping list so couldn't remember the Stevia sweetener. Fortunately, I have enough to last the rest of the week or longer. Unfortunately, I filled my basket with lettuce, tomatoes, green onion, sweet peppers, cauliflower and rutabaga while waiting for my short term memory to check in.
What I went for.....
and what I also bought, for a total of  $16.35. I see some salads in my future.

I plan to have chili tonight with a salad, so I don't need to replace the element this afternoon. Since I shouldn't be lifting anything heavy because of the blood letting, I don't really want to wrestle with the stove today anyway. Besides, once I pull out the stove, I need to wash the walls and floor underneath, so it won't be a quick job. Tomorrow is soon enough. I do need to make some more Easter cards to get into the mail soon, so that is my planned activity this afternoon, after a couple of bowls of my chicken and vegetable soup. If I remember to call and make two medical appointments this afternoon, I will have crossed 6 items off my to-do list. Go Team!


  1. You did well to get your errands done on a rainy day, Susan! You know I would have just stayed home if it had been me! I do not like to drive in the rain or go out when it is too hot or too cold! LOL!

    At least you bought fresh produce that's good for you, not the type of bad for me stuff like cake and ice cream or chips that I end up buying when I go off my grocery shopping list!

    Please be careful when you go to pull out your stove. I wish there was someone who can help you with it.

    Take care and enjoy the rest of your day.

  2. I'm glad I decided to get those errands out of the way yesterday. I think I got a lot more done that way. I have always struggled with my moods, so I am used to talking myself into doing things that I am not feeling up to. Today was a mainly sunny day. I was tempted to get outside, but I got busy inside my kitchen and accomplished much.
