Monday, May 4, 2020

After the Week-end

I expected a nice sunny weekend. I was disappointed that the forecast had changed since the last time I had checked it. Saturday was rainy and dismal. I hadn't slept well Friday night and finally decided to get up at 4:30 AM on Saturday. I think I was anxious about my food supply. I've had some issues with the grocery delivery. Let me be clear. I appreciate having this free delivery option but it hasn't been working out well for me so far. I had hoped to speak to someone this morning to try to clear up some misgivings; however, at 5 PM, no one has got back to me by phone yet. You may get some sense of  how frustrated I have been over this, by the simple fact that I cannot get a hold of anyone. Anyways, it's a long story that I hope to have resolved soon. It is only one of several problems I have experienced with on-line deliveries that have happened during this isolation, and I am going batty.

I was able to sleep a little in the afternoon on Saturday after I changed the bedding, washed a load of dishes, did two loads of laundry, and baked some bread. By 5:30, I had showered, washed my hair, put on make-up and earrings and changed for our Trivia Night quiz. The last two game nights, I have changed up the questions so that it has been more like Scattegories than Trivia. For example, I say Boston, Bibb, and leaf. The answer is lettuce. I say tub, slipper, Windsor. The answer is chair. The participants have been really enjoying this new game format.

Yesterday (Sunday), was again cloudy and cool, but I went outside before the rain started to do some yardwork. I am slowly removing the sod from the side yard, one row at a time because it is a lot more strenuous than I remember it being. Ha! I may be getting older. Then, in order to take a break, I raked and de-thatched the grass on the boulevard before I lay down some grass seed. I managed to get things put away before the rain came, so I came inside to make a birthday card for my grandson.

It is another fancy-fold card called an M or W fold card because of the panel inside that contains four more little images. I think he will get a kick out of it, and I enjoyed getting back to making cards. I haven't been doing any for a while now.

Today WAS a sunny day so I got outside again to sweep off the sidewalk in front of the duplex (my side and my neighbours), as well as taking off the sod from another row in my side yard. I planted a few more seeds inside, made a chicken stock from the carcass of the roast chicken, made a batch of yoghurt and made a spaghetti sauce for a plate of zoodles for tonight's dinner. There should not be any trouble falling asleep and staying asleep tonight. I am feeling pretty exhausted. Have a great evening everyone.


  1. Susan, that is such a cute card! Happy birthday to your grandson and I'm sure he'll love his card!

    I am sorry you are having issues with the grocery deliveries and no one was available to speak with you or return your call. Hopefully, someone will get back to you, tomorrow, or you just might have to be that squeaky wheel!

    Your quiz night sounds like such fun!

    You did a lot of work in the garden, too, and a lot of cooking. No wonder you are tired! I hope you'll have a good night's sleep and you'll have pleasant weather, tomorrow. Take care.

  2. I'm afraid I was that squeaky wheel. I waited 24 hours and then I called and left a message. I got a phone call the day after that, so I explained my frustrations and the employee went out of her way to help me. I'm sure she will likely pass on my frustrations to the rest of the employees. Anyways, I got a grocery delivery with every line of the request filled this time. Hooray!I've been busy cooking and freezing. I have also been outdoors tilling the soil, haha.
