Thursday, May 28, 2020

Finally, Some Rain

I mentioned Tuesday evening that because we were in a heat wave and because I had twisted my knee while mixing soil, I would probably stay inside on Wednesday. Well, that didn't happen. Because today had an even greater chance of precipitation, I decided I would plant some seeds yesterday. I planted a row of green beans, a row of yellow wax beans, and a row of Swiss Chard. I planted a few summer flower bulbs that "Dee" had given me and I planted some portulaca and marigold seeds in the deck planters that already have hibiscus and geranium plants that I over wintered inside. I put some sunflower seeds in the bed that holds my tomato cages up against the fence. I figured that if I could get the seeds in the ground before a good rain, that would be half the battle. I did not realize that I was inviting the neighbourhood squirrels in for a feast. But that is what I found this morning. Lots of little holes were dug in the freshly planted rows and a cheeky black squirrel giving ME the evil eye when I shouted out at him at 6:30 this morning. I hope they left me some.

I am planning to fill my rubber maid bins with some soil and maybe putting in some zucchini and cucumber starts in those. I have some perennial seeds just starting to come up in the house, but no flower bed to put them just yet. My sister loaned me a couple of large deck planters to put them in as they grow larger and I don't have a place to transplant them yet. I mowed the front lawn yesterday for the first time this season. That is when I discovered I have a peony bush coming up. How exciting! I also have some large bleeding heart plants under my living room window where I planted my spring bulbs last fall.
 You can see my brick wall that tumbled down. I need to find a solution for this bed. But you can see in this garden that I have planted some grape hyacinth and tulip bulbs. The crocuses are done and the alium has not flowered yet.

Today was the day I decided to stay in. It was overcast most of the day and it felt like it would rain. I wanted it to rain. I wanted to stay inside where it was cooler (I finally broke down and put on the central air Tuesday night). My sister had asked me if I would make her two matching macrame hangers for her back yard, so I made one from jute that matches perfectly one I made this past winter. I made it this afternoon and she has already picked them both up. 
Jute is not as soft as working with cotton (think of rope burns), but the uneven and imperfect fibres of jute lend themselves to nice looking planters. I like the look of jute with wooden beads. And my sister was very happy with them. I gave her one for her birthday made from natural cotton fibres that she has hanging in a window in her living room, but these look more rustic for her outdoor space. My DIL has already finished her dishcloth. I have only 9 rows done, but I was able to talk her through her project and she is ready for her next one. I hope you have also had a productive day. 


  1. Oh, no! The squirrels helped themselves to all your seeds! Such naughty squirrels! I think you might have to plant seedlings, from now on, to discourage the squirrels!

    Sounds like you've been very busy with the garden, including mowing the lawn! How is your knee after all the exercise?

    Those macrame hangers look great and now, I am wanting to make some, myself. I don't have any cotton rope or jute, though! Will have to think of something else, instead!

    My day hasn't been too productive, but, there's always the promise of tomorrow, isn't there? Hope you have a lovely day, tomorrow.

    1. Just by doing your household cleaning schedule you are accomplishing more than I am. I am so woefully derelict in my domestic arts, It is appalling...really. It has gotten to the point of embarrassing. I need to get some vacuuming and wet mopping done. It is a good thing people are not expected in my house. I will have to ask Alexa to put on the tunes for housework (that would be Abba) and just do it.

      I have not been mixing dirt in the wheel barrow for a couple of days, so my knee is feeling better. Every once in a while it seems to give way and not support me. Maybe it is just my arthritis. Maybe I didn't injure it. Anyways, thanks for asking, but it is getting better. I haven't taken any more Tylenol.

  2. Squirrels are only cute when they are in someone else's yard!
    Your hangers look really good.
    Productive? Not here, but I did almost look cute today (translation: I wore a tad of makeup and real pants that were not sweat pants or yoga pants)

  3. I bet you really did look cute today...much cuter than those cheeky squirrels. Kudos for putting on real pants...and makeup. Was there a special occasion? I sorta dress up for Trivia night. It is the only excuse I have.
