Monday, May 11, 2020

Week Eight

The last two months have gone by really quickly I think. There isn't much going on here at home that marks the passage of time. Tuesday morning is garbage and recycling day. Thursday is when my weekly paper arrives and Saturday night is our family Trivia quiz night. I try very hard to keep track of birthdays and when to send out greeting cards because it would be very easy to "forget" those special occasions. Today I meant to call my pharmacist to have my prescriptions renewed. I also meant to phone in another order for groceries. I did neither. I think I forgot it was Monday.

I received a card kit last week and yesterday and this morning I decided to play with my new supplies. I made three cards that are not my usual style, but I enjoyed the challenge and a new way of crafting. I received some distressed looking papers and a sheet of stamps that I would not normally buy. There was a die of a bumble bee that I had a lot of fun making. There was also an embossing folder of gears and a clock face that I haven't used yet. I did use some of the background stamps and the stencil to make some backgrounds.

I got a call from "Dee" telling me she had finished putting my hardware cloth into a large frame for me. My peat moss hasn't arrived yet, but part of my order was ready for pickup from Rona on Friday. "Dee" didn't want me ordering the wood for my project because she had enough at her place. She wanted to make it for me with the measurements and instructions I gave her. She did a great job and the two of us will be able to use it for many years to come. I sifted through 2 full wheel barrow loads of dirt this afternoon.
The wire cloth is 3/4 inch, so it removes a lot of stone and roots from the topsoil. I'm thinking now that I should have bought 1/2 inch, but this works well for what I want. I worked outside all afternoon
sifting soil, raking leaves from the back of the garden and pruning out lots of wild grapevine. I think I overdid it. Tonight I am very stiff and sore. I haven't used those muscles for several months now. I had tuna salad on keto buns for lunch and finished up all the buns I made late last week. It is a recipe I will be making again.
They actually use up less eggs than my usual bread loaf, but I still love my loaf. I've just got a choice now. They are wonderful for hamburgers, but make a nice sandwich bun as well. The recipe makes 8, but you can see I had no problem making extra.


  1. Wow, has it really been 2 months? Yes, it is easy to lose track of the days, isn't it?

    Those are some really nice cards you made and the buns look delicious, too! That's nice that you have a choice between your loaf and the buns!

    I, too, think you might have overdone things in the garden! But, I got all excited when I read you have wild grapevines! If you haven't already disposed of them, make grapevine wreaths with them! They are easiest to make when the vines are still green and somewhat pliable. Then, after they've dried up over the summer, you can attach decorations or bits of greenery (real or artificial) and make some gifts to give at Christmas! :)

  2. Well Bless. This is why I keep you around. *laugh* Just a very few weeks ago I was bemoaning the fact that I didn't bring any Springtime decorations with me. One of my ideas was to put a spring wreath on the door but I didn't have any raw materials. Yesterday as I was pruning out the weeds and troublesome grapevine, I wasn't thinking of saving any of it. I pitched it over the back fence into the field behind me. Well, there is still lots where that came from. I used to make wreaths with grapevine back at the old house where it was a constant challenge to try and contain the monster. Thank you for the reminder.
