Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Heat Wave

I entered another on-line request early yesterday morning for a grocery delivery. Because I waited all day for a phone call to get my grocery list (and because the weather here was hot and humid), I decided to stay indoors instead of working outside. They actually did not phone me until this morning, but I was glad to stay inside yesterday. I worked downstairs in the craft room for a while and I did some sorting of my desk files and did a lot of paper shredding. The basement is a tad cooler during the summer. I have central air in my new place, but so far I haven't needed to put it on. I have fans going upstairs in the rooms I work in.

Today, although there was a heat advisory in Elliot Lake, I decided to work outside for a bit anyway. I planted some tomato cages (ha,ha), but only 4 cherry tomato plants. I want my beef steak tomatoes to grow a little larger before I transplant them.
  I also planted 4 morning glory transplants to grow up the back fence. On the weekend, I ran some twine up the fence boards to give some support to these plants. In the front of that fence is this garden space. It is pretty much shaded by the tree that has grown up behind the fence. I mixed more of the triple mix and piled it high in the centre of the rows. I am hoping to grow my green beans, broccoli, cucumber and zucchini in these rows this summer, though there isn't a lot of sunlight.
Once inside, I showered, did a full load of laundry, and baked a batch of keto buns. I wrote out a greeting card for a friend and prepared another birthday card for the month of June. My groceries arrived. I took no photos because I wanted to wash everything down quickly and put away. Because of the heat, I needed to get packages into the freezer and fridge asap.

I made chili for dinner and then gave a short tutorial on-line for one of my DIL's to get her started on a simple knitting project. I think I twisted my knee today while working outside. It is very uncomfortable tonight, so I will probably take Tylenol for the pain before bedtime. Have a good evening and a great day tomorrow.


  1. You have been busy! I do hope your tomato cages grow well! :D My tomato plant says it's deprived - it has no cage, only a stick! Your fence will look lovely, covered with morning glory flowers! I'm sorry you hurt your knee! I'm sure you've put a cold compress on it, already. I hope the Tylenol will help and it will be better, tomorrow. Maybe you should take it easy with the gardening for a couple of days. Take care, Susan.

    1. Duh...I didn't think of putting on a cold compress, but the Tylenol worked. I slept through the night. I may decide to stay indoors today and give the knee some time to heal. I have a small knitting project to work on. My DIL and I are knitting a dishcloth together, so I need to be ready when she wants to start decreasing stitches.

  2. I have planted tomato cages before and was very disappointed that they produced no additional cages. Maybe I should have fertilized them?
    Glad you got some plants planted. Morning glories are wonderful flowers to see in the morning!

    1. Wouldn't it be nice to grow more cages? At the end of the season, I seem to lose cages. They probably run away from home because of neglect. Anyways, I will be happy if my remaining cages produce some tomatoes. That's the hope.

      Yes I have always loved morning glories. I am also trying to grow some perennial starts indoors like delphiniums, lupines, Shasta daisies, echinachea, and lavender.
