Thursday, May 7, 2020

Cold and Snowy

It snowed today. Can you believe it? Mother's Day is this weekend and we have snow in the forecast. Just yesterday I was outside again de-thatching the front yard and laying down more grass seed. I spent more time lifting sod off the side yard on either side of the walkway. I am expecting a call from one of the local lumber yards for a curbside pickup of some hardware cloth. I want to make a sieve to sort out all the rock and stone from the topsoil in the yard, so I can mix it with peat moss, garden soil and manure. Once I complete a big enough garden space, I will plant some vegetables. But during the summer, I will probably continue expanding the size of the garden for next year.

I think for this year, I will only plant vegetables down both sides of the walkway. Next year I hope to have a bigger garden, remembering that I have to be able to weed and maintain whatever I grow.
This is the "hole I dug to China" last week. By the time I finished, it was big enough and deep enough to sink a construction pail and I cemented in the anchor for my umbrella clothesline pole. Once the pole is in, I will put down some garden soil and plant some grass seed.

I received a grocery delivery yesterday. I washed the fresh vegetables in the sink with a splash of vinegar and I wiped down every thing else with disinfectant wipes. Preparing my groceries for the fridge. freezer and pantry takes a bit of time and I did not take any photos. I was pleased to receive everything I asked for, or at the very least....some alternatives that I mentioned on my list. It was a successful shop. I managed to replace some of my pantry  reserves but I have also decided that I need to request MORE deliveries in the coming weeks.
I probably had enough TP to last another two weeks, but because I hadn't bought any since January, I decided it wouldn't hurt to get some more.

I received a package on my doorstep from my daughter, SIL and two grandkids. It was a Mother's Day gift that I was told I could open immediately. When I opened the box, I found this gift inside. So pretty.

Inside the gift was this assortment of keto foods and snacks. I finished the chocolate chip cookies and the crackers in only 3 days. They were so good. I am trying very hard to make the cereal last a bit longer because it is so-o-o delicious and will give me something different for breakfast instead of my 2-egg omelette every morning. I am anxious to try the Cesar dressing, but first I have to order some lettuce, cucumber, fresh tomato and maybe some feta cheese in my next grocery order. What a treat this was!

So I did not work outside today. Did I mention that it was snowing? So instead I stayed inside and made five cards. I have a lot of birthdays this month coming up. Enjoy your evening.


  1. oh, my goodness, but, that is a big garden project you have going on there! I can't believe you are doing all the work of sod removal, etc., by yourself!

    I'm glad you got your grocery delivery and a new stock of toilet paper, as well. One of the things I am learning as a result of all this virus stuff is not to wait until I've come to the very end of any regularly used items, because supplies might not be available when we need them!

    You are having snow? We are having summer! :)

  2. Ha,ha. Yes, while I was reading your blog yesterday, you mentioned temperatures hitting 90 degrees but resisting turning on your fans. I actually had to turn my furnace back on because I had turned it off on the first of May. Spring is taking its sweet time.

    The very reason for keeping a pantry is to hold items in reserve for those times when you may need them. My problem was that I was using them up for far too long without replenishing supplies. Then I became panicked when I was unable to buy certain items. I am feeling better now that I am able to put back those items.
