Thursday, May 14, 2020

Roasted Chicken for Dinner

Yesterday was a crazy busy day. I had my "list" of what I wanted to accomplish and maybe it was too much planned. But I just think that things were happening all at the same time which was kind of stressful. I began by making my yoghurt. Fortunately, I was able to complete it without any distractions. Then my sister called to say that she was dropping something off at my doorstep and she wanted to pick up something from me, and could I have it ready. But before she arrived, I got a call from my pharmacist saying the delivery person was arriving with my 3 prescriptions. I put $5 in an envelope and taped it to my door asking for the drugs to be placed between the screen door and the exterior door. Then I proceeded to make my keto loaf. I forgot to add the melted butter, so then I added it after the stiff egg whites were already incorporated into the batter. Ooops. When pouring the mixture into the loaf pan, I dropped my favourite mixing bowl into the loaf and broke it. After picking out the pieces of broken crockery, I put it into the cold oven. (I forgot to preheat it). At that point I should have gone back to bed, but I carried on. The bread turned out fine. I checked on my seed trays and watered them. Some of the seedlings are just poking through the dirt now, while others are not showing any life at all.

Sometime during the day I managed to wish my grandson a Happy Birthday. His virtual party was starting at two, and he was very excited. He was going to be able to play video games against his friends and cousins on "Discourse", and by all accounts it was very successful.

I also got to talk with my friend from Lansdowne, but by that time it was later in the evening. I did get outside to move more dirt....a lot of dirt. When I finally came in I needed a shower and did a load of laundry.  I gave my shopping order for groceries when I was called, I received a Purolator delivery and  I received two cards in the mail.

Because rain was arriving this afternoon and is expected to stay all weekend, I went outside to work this morning. My groceries arrived around 1:30, so I washed them down with disinfecting wipes and put them away.  I also brought in my newspaper which I forgot had arrived this morning. I am losing
track of my days.

I asked for and got a tray of chicken breasts, a family pack of ground beef, a family pack of hot Italian sausage, and the whole chicken. I took off all the meat from the roasted chicken after dinner  tonight and put it in the freezer. Tomorrow I will put the carcass in the crock pot to make soup broth. And I will also have to repackage all the meat trays tomorrow into portion sizes for the freezer.
I only asked for two dozen eggs this week because I still have 18 left from the last two orders. I was able to replenish my original supply of frozen eggs. I got my two large containers of plain yoghurt which I use as starter when making my own. I ordered 2 containers of cottage cheese (I have been without for over two months) and a container of Feta cheese. They didn't have whole milk.
This was the largest bag of frozen berries she could find. Good thing I asked for two. I also got a bag of frozen beans, broccoli and cauli rice.

I also got a whole fresh cauliflower, lettuce, cucumber and tomatoes. Yay! I will enjoy some salads this week. Since everything was pre-wrapped, I only had to wipe down the packaging and wash the tomatoes with water and vinegar.

I managed to send out a greeting card in the mail before the rain started and then I fell asleep on the couch. The smell of roasted chicken woke me up.  I ate some of that with mashed turnip from the freezer and green beans. I'm expecting to stay indoors until next week (because of the rain), so I will probably be sending out some more Happy mail. I hope everyone is still abiding by health recommendations, staying put and staying safe.


  1. Oh, my goodness! What a busy couple of days you've had! I'm sorry you broke your favorite mixing bowl, but, at least you didn't hurt yourself and the bread turned out fine!

    I'm glad you were able to receive your groceries and you'll be able to have some salads this week. :)

    Hope you have a pleasant weekend, Susan. Stay warm and dry and safe!

  2. I am thinking that at this time of year and in this stage of our "quarantine", we are all finding ourselves busier with our lives. Once I started working outdoors, I have found that the days are just flying by. I am kind of looking for those days of inclement weather when I can just stay inside to get needed chores done and some rest for those poor tired muscles. Next week we are expecting to jump straight into summer.

  3. The past week has flown here, but I had different things to tend to than what is usual or normal.
    DO you share recipes? I have been off keto since Easter and I have go to get back on it. I am looking for a good loaf. I am not crazy about the one I have traditionally made.

    1. The recipe I use for making a keto loaf is from Keto Connect
      I have recently made this recipe for keto buns from Low Carb Yum I have successfully frozen both, although there is rarely a time there is a need to freeze. Neither recipe lasts long enough here at my house. The buns make for a delicious sandwich.
