Thursday, June 9, 2016

A Walkabout

Yesterday found me in my Craft Room because I knew I had to make my Father's Day cards. Instead I ended up doing some long neglected sorting of things, and I managed to find a couple of things that I have purged from my belongings. There wasn't a lot that I was willing to let go, but I did find a couple of things.

I found lots of silk flowers and containers to put them in, unpainted wood projects, popsicle sticks, a ceramic Hallowe'en plate, tattoos and some ribbons. After a few more days of  organizing and cleaning, I will hopefully get rid of much more. 

My vegetable starts that I planted a few days ago in time for the rains. 

I worked in my strawberry patch again today. It was very cold this morning; but by mid afternoon, it had warmed up considerably. While I was indoors this morning, I got two birthday cards into the mail for June (they were two of the ones that I made before leaving for Vancouver), and I made two Father's Day for my Dad and one for my mom's partner in Cobourg. I won't show them to you now for the obvious reason, but perhaps on Father's Day (if I remember).

I don't know the name of this plant that was given to me, but it is very colourful and will bloom into Autumn. 

Coral Bells (and lots of clover)


My planters are filling out and looking good. I suppose I should fertilize them, don't you think. 

1 comment:

  1. Those purplish flowers whose name you don't remember look like cornflowers (bleuets in French) but I don't think they actually are... real cornflowers are blue, in my experience. But they look like them.

    Your petunias look very good! I meant to comment on them on your Day Book the other day because I could see them through your window. Petunias, begonias and geraniums always remind me of my grandmother because she used to have lots of window boxes filled with those.

    You've decluttered AND you've crafted AND you've weeded/worked in your garden... that's tons more than what I did today. I did nothing. It was nice :)
